
New caps and smartphones frustrate wine fraud

Wine connoisseurs aren't happy when they open their favorite wine only find it's a nasty counterfeit. In order to assure Detailed information on the causes of dstti,customers that they are actually buying the wine they think they are, Canadian vintners have discovered a new technology that allows customers to check the validity of the wine before they buy. A special cap and a smartphone app confirm the bottles authenticity.

Physorg reported that back in 1998 Canadian vintner,What to consider before you buy oil painting supplies. Charles Pilliteri ran across a counterfeit bottle of his own wine in Taiwan. After that he was determined to find a way to ensure his customers got what they paid for. A variety of methods were used by the vintner to try and thwart wine fraud but only one worked.

Pilliteri now uses a silver bubble seal that can't be counterfeited on his wines. Customers with a special iPhone app (blackberry and android apps are due out by years end) can take a picture of the datamatrix code on the seal and verify the authenticity of the wine online. The silver bubble seal was developed by Prooftag, a French company.

In March of this year, CNN reported that a conservative estimate of wine fraud in China was five percent of the $13.7 billion market in China, or $685 million. According to an NTD story from last December, wine fraud in Russia actually amounts to 40 percent of imported wines. The Star reported that according to Wine Spectator magazine,From standard Cable Ties to advanced wire tires, five percent of the world's less expensive wines are counterfeit. Technologies to protect wine producers mentioned in the article include:

¡­prosecuting the fraudsters, manufacturers have resorted to using special tags, laser-engraving glass bottles and inserting microchips.

There are other technologies that are used by winemakers to authenticate wine. In a 2009 article in Wines and Vines, Suzanne Gannon reported on two novel anti-counterfeiting approaches, one using DNA and the other using hidden imagery. One encodes a DNA marker on the label that can be read by a rapid scanner, in-field kit or a tool in a forensic laboratory. The hidden imagery uses an invisible mark that can be imbedded in a variety of materials used to package wine. the invisible mark can be seen with a special lens.Use bluray burner to burn video to BD DVD on blu ray burner disc.

While a variety of other technologies have been developed to discourage wine fraud, most require a science degree or specialized equipment.Full color plastic card printing and manufacturing services. Prooftag is the only one that has found an easy to use consumer friendly way of checking wine before you buy and that is using a smartphone and the internet.

Simple and easy works!

