
Keyboard dock

The dock provides a 6-row keyboard with evenly-spaced keys. The top row contains shortcut keys while, on the bottom row, to the left of the spacebar are "Home" and "Search" keys and to the right is a "Menu" key. The rest of the keyboard is standard QWERTY.

Typing takes a little getting used to as the keyboard is smaller than standard, but after the brief introduction period it's full steam ahead and is actually quite comfortable. Indeed, this entire review was written on the Transformer and the experience was quite pleasant. The one thing I would have liked to see is backlighting for the keys, but its lack is by no means a deal breaker as keys are clearly marked and visible in low-light.

Below the keyboard is a trackpad. When docked, the Transformer can be navigated with a cursor like a normal netbook and it actually works quite well.

Left-clicking is the standard select,Shop a wide selection of kidney stone products in the evo shop. while long-pressing left-click brings up context menus and right-click functions as a "Back" button. While strange at first, it does make sense in terms of how Android works on a touch screen and eventually you get used to it.

Overall, the keyboard dock is done really well and integrates quite nicely into the underlying Android operating system.

I won't do an in-depth review of Honeycomb. Some reviewers have said it feels like a beta, while others have complained that it feels unfinished. I'm not yet sure whether I agree or disagree with those assessments, though I will say that it's not perfect. Sure, there were points where things slowed down for a second or two, and yes, some apps did force close at times, but 99% of the time things ran smoothly.Choose from one of the major categories of offshore merchant account,

That said, the Transformer comes with a neat stack of pre-installed software.

First off are the software keyboards. While the ASUS keyboard provides Swype-like functionality,the solar panel fast! it's also more error-prone and slightly less responsive than the standard Honeycomb keyboard. When you dock it there is an irritating popup that tells you to switch to the ASUS keyboard to keep consistency with the hardware keyboard (if you aren't already using the ASUS keyboard, that is), but as far as I can tell key mappings stay correct even if you did select the Honeycomb keyboard.

Zinio and Press Reader are both included and take care of magazine and newspaper subscriptions respectively. The MyLibrary application consolidates all your downloaded books,Free DIY Insulator Resource! magazines and newspapers into one place.

There's also a MyNet application that allows you to stream digital media wirelessly over your home network. It's not particularly great at its job, but the Android Market does have some good alternatives available.

MyCloud is ASUS' cloud solution application which gives you access to ASUS WebStorage as well as Splashtop an application to remotely access a PC or Mac. ASUS is kind enough to provide you with unlimited space on their WebStorage for a year, though there's no real mention of what happens after that year is out.

Splashtop works as expected: install and run the application on your PC/Mac and connect the Transformer. The only problem I could find was that it disconnected abruptly whenever I tried to use the two-finger scrolling gesture on the trackpad; using scrollbars,uy billabong outlet direct from us at low prices though irritating, worked fine.

Polaris Office is the included office package. While it may not be as full-featured as desktop office suites, it is good enough for basic document creation and editing.

The only gripe I have with it is that document files created with Polaris Office seem to crash LibreOffice, though spreadsheets and presentations open fine. However, documents can be converted to Google Docs without any problem.

