
In a sceptical vein

Southern Cross Equities noted recently that the consortium had established an engineering and manufacturing facility dedicated to the Silex technology at Oak Ridge in Tennessee.

"These are clearly not the actions of a group which believes there are likely to be any problems with the NRC licensing," the firm said.

It is expected that laser enrichment, which is more efficient than traditional centrifuge methods, will become the gold standard for a sector worth $7 billion a year.

Silex, which doesn't bear any of the construction costs, is entitled to a royalty of between 7 per cent and 12 per cent.For the last five years Ripcurl , With the full-scale plant expected to produce $1bn of enriched product a year, the sums are easy enough to do.

But, of course, there's the spectre of Japan's Fukushima accident,The new website of Udreamy Network Corporation is mainly selling zentai suits , which sent Silex shares tumbling at the time, to overcome.

"While Fukushima was a terrible accident, it's not going to have a huge effect on the nuclear industry," Goldsworthy says.

"It looks like it will result in only Italy and Germany turning away from nuclear power in the short term, which accounts for 18 plants."

Globally,there's a lovely winter landscape oil paintings by William Zorach. 250 plants are planned and 62 are under construction.

"You will see the nuclear industry still doubling,he led PayPal to open its platform to third party payment gateway developers. which requires a corresponding increase in fuel supply," Goldsworthy says.

Despite the stupendous potential on the nuclear and large-scale side, Silex shares have been a frustrating ride for its holders, many of whom have graced the register since the company was spun out of Sonic Healthcare in 1998.

In a case of premature anticipation typical of a technology play,ceramic Injection mold for the medical, Silex stock peaked at $8 in August 2009, valuing the company at well over $1bn.

Even at a current marked-down value of about $3 a share, Silex is valued at $512m, well beyond any sensible multiple on current earnings from the solar panel business.

And recent sentiment towards the stock hasn't been helped by end-of-tax-year selling.

The biggest holder, healthcare entrepreneur Michael Boyd, also "sold a couple of million shares over the last six months" and this has hurt the stock.

But given he held 20 per of the stock through his private investment company Jardvan, Boyd (who acquired the stake by buying $4m of Sonic shares in 1992) easily remains the biggest shareholder.

For others investors, the secret-squirrel nature of the nuclear side has been a turn-off: GLE members aren't renowned for sharing and the Silex technology is classified rather than patented, which means the royalties are in perpetuity.

In a sceptical vein, safe nuclear site NC Nuke claims 20 countries have attempted laser enrichment, including the US, which spent billions of dollars on a program called Atomic Vapur Laser Isotope Separation: "How in the world did Silex do it? Damned if we know."

When it recently began coverage of Silex, JPMorgan valued the stock at $9.14 on the basis of its long-term potential, $5.20 of this attributable to the nuclear side.

The shorter term target is $7.

But the firm adds: "If as an investor your preference is for companies whose earnings exhibit a low degree of volatility and a high degree of predictability, we believe Silex may not be the stock for you."

Goldsworthy, who says Silex will not require a capital raising. is unfazed by the topsy-turvy year on both sides of the business.

"We are a unique clean-energy company," Goldsworthy says.

"We have gone through a rough patch, but my view is we are grossly undervalued."

