
Jail Time for a Vegetable Garden?

Earlier this month,Graphene is not a semiconductor, not an Insulator , and not a metal, an Oak Park, Mich., woman came face to face with the prospect of hard time for the crime she'd committed: nurturing tiny baby pea pods, little baby zucchinis, and sweet, juicy tomatoes in her front yard.

I know! Young people these days. I'm shaking my head,If so, you may have a kidney stone . too. Ninety-three days in the slammer is barely just desserts for such a terrible act.

When a judge dismissed the charges recently,Initially the banks didn't want our high risk merchant account . the mild-mannered Julie Bass was in the middle of a four-day migraine. Still, she got no relief: The city followed up by pursuing two misdemeanor charges against her for the two dogs she had initially failed to license. While the lawbreaker had procured licenses for the dogs in June after receiving a warning from the city, Oak Park, evidently not pleased with being known as the "veggie-haters" around the world,The additions focus on key tag and dstti combinations, weren't about to let her get away with so much as a stray dandelion bloom.

Bass the scofflaw who professes to enjoy "laundry folding by moonlight" on her blog is about to reap the rewards of defying the Oak Park city planner with her cabbages: It's dangerous to make a point in one's own front yard.

I say this and believe it to be true because I have a Facebook and Twitter friend who for well over a year went from daily interaction to total silence. The silence had been launched,Unlike traditional cube puzzle , in large part, because of her garden boxes. In an insular Pacific Northwest community, she and her husband had gotten complaints for the "structures" they had built in their front yard: 18" tall garden boxes.

I had been shocked, and I pressed her to let me tell her story. Cowed by the possibility of unwelcome local attention and perhaps even more invasive attention from local officials who would forever after know where she lived she decided to tear down the boxes. All of her plants died. She mourned their loss but knew she'd kept out of future trouble with the long memory of the local law.

