
Global Connections And Global Citizens

Good afternoon.Museum quality hand-painted fine oil painting reproduction on canvas. It is a great pleasure to join you on this day of celebration, and I would like to thank Dean Ellwood for his kind invitation.

This is a day of hope—after achieving success in one of the world’s most prestigious universities, you are now ready to bring your incredible talents and enthusiasm to bear on the world’s most pressing problems and exciting challenges, making it better.

This is also a day of joy—after a long and arduous climb, you have reached the top of a mountain and can now bask in the glorious view.

But rest assured, there will be more mountains ahead. It was Nelson Mandela who said that “after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb”.

Remember, the future is yours to shape and mould into whatever image you choose. But although you will soon set off down many different paths, I believe all these paths have something important in common. You will all, in your own way, be advancing the public interest. You will have different destinations, but the same overarching goal: making it better.

This is why you came to the Kennedy School in the first place. Dean Ellwood puts it beautifully when he says that everybody at the Kennedy School is united by a common desire to make the world a better place. There is no nobler goal than this. And in today’s interconnected world, these ideals are more important than ever.

So the question I ask you is this—do you have the courage to desire, even demand, a better world to leave to your children?

Across the long tide of human civilization,Ekahau rtls is the only Wi-Fi based real time location system solution that operates on any brand or generation of Wi-Fi network.Painless Processing provides high risk merchant account solutions. there have been many ebbs and flows, many advances and retreats, many great strides forward and many shattered opportunities. But there has never been a time quite like the present, because history does not repeat itself, and because we produce progress.

We stand at the entrance of a new world, a whole new way of living, of communicating, of crossing borders. It is the great paradox of our age: the world gets bigger,Shop for oil painting and oil paintings for sale included. with so many more people and places sharing the fruits of knowledge and prosperity; and the world gets smaller, with so many more people and places crossing paths and sharing destinies.

For today, the world is more closely-knit than ever before. An infinity of little interconnections dances across the fabric of global society,What is a real time Location system ? transforming millions of fragmented images into one dazzling mosaic.

As George Bernard Shaw put it, “We are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth”.

People are meeting each other in the global marketplace of goods and ideas more than at any point in history.

Since 1980, the volume of world trade has quintupled. People are flowing more freely across borders. About 900 million tourists traveled between countries in 2010, up from a mere 25 million in 1950. The world has over 200 million migrant workers, up from 78 million in 1965.

Highly-skilled professionals—like yourselves—are even more mobile. Foreigners make up between a fifth and a quarter of the professional workforce in countries like Australia, Canada, and Switzerland.

Look at modern business. There is no greater symbol of American industrial pride than the roaring automobile industry in Detroit. And in 2010, for the first time in its history, General Motors sold more cars in China than at home.

Global companies like Nokia, Nestle and Philips earn only 1-2 percent of total sales from their home countries. Indian information technology companies regularly generate up to 95 percent of their sales in Europe and the United States. One world, open for business.

Nothing embodies our interconnected world more than the reach and fluidity of global communications. The communications revolution is opening a gateway to freedom, a passage to knowledge, an avenue to understanding.

