
Text for day four of Ministerial vetting

The education strategic plan is in place, and kindergarten is more important than other levels of education, because the beginning is important. Attaching preschool to primary is a new phenomenon, so we need to work on further integration and importantly training personnel to specialize in working at that level. In terms of the absence of teachers in the rural areas, we need an effective system of deploying teachers,Find the best selection of high-quality collectible bobbleheads available anywhere. they must want to teach and teach well. Supervision is important. If all students at a school fail a test, that tells us something about the quality of teachers there. I’ve explained the lack of adequate personnel at the tertiary levels. Our graduate students need more money to achieve international standards. We need to use our resources to ensure quality. I have faith in our system.

The foundation of the educational process is kindergarten education, which has unfortunately been long neglected.Laser engravers and laser engraving machine systems and supplies to start your own lasering cutting engraving marking etching business. I’ve heard that a national strategic plan to integrate kindergarten into basic education is underway. What assurances can you give us that you will ensure the plan’s full implementation. Regarding the petition before us,The term 'hands free access control' means the token that identifies a user is read from within a pocket or handbag. we have committed in our Constitution to ensure that everyone has access to equal opportunities and facilities. To achieve this, the document arranged policies that will actualize this access. How far have we come along these lines?

We are surrounded by French speaking countries and should take the language more seriously. That English is more widely spoken is not a good excuse. It fits into the issue of language acquisition. A child learning English in school and speaking a mother tongue at home. We need to build a strong language base and we need to improve our methodology. I had a nephew learning French prepositions in JHS, and because they entered into technicalities too early in the instruction, he lost interest. This may account for the lack of interest in math and science as well. We need to rebrand technical training, people must want to do it as their first choice. Regarding the use of transfers as a disciplinary measure, it will not solve any problems, it only sends the problem to plague another school. The school should be a welcoming environment. Prayers can even be offered in such a way as to marginalize no religion. When we decide to have even Sunday or Makarata schools, we must see that students are enabled and encouraged to gain personal skills.

Baba Jamal suggested that she has done so well in her answers, she must have had consultants. There was laughter and the chair called the comment out of order. What do you think about French learning in this country? Our neighbors are all francophones,The Wagan Wireless Rear Parking assist system help you be safe while parking. but as a country we haven’t taken the language seriously. What about technical schools whose shortcomings disadvantage their students? There are teachers who involve themselves in bad practices and are simply transferred as punishment. What do you think about this? Can we have an arrangement whereby rural teachers make more money than urban ones? Is it possible? There is a controversy about religious discrimination in schools, especially against Muslim students and especially in church schools. Will you ensure that all churches treat all students equally regardless of religious affiliation? We have about 270000 teachers in this country. With such a huge number, can’t we have a system whereby some money for teachers can be put into a special welfare fund for teachers who will retire instead of depending on a meager pension?

The person shouldn’t have gotten pregnant but she did. Life goes on, and now that she has a dependent, she should return to school. But we must help our daughters to delay parenthood, to let their bodies grow before they grow someone else in their bodies. Adolescent reproductive health is important, and they must understand why it makes no sense to rush into this. These children are not being fair to themselves or their parents, but if she wants to return to school, she should go to a school other than the one she attended when she became pregnant so that she is not discriminated against by her classmates and distracted from her studies. These girls do not understand how significantly this disrupts their lives, they should not fall prey to this unnecessary pressure. I have heard of sex for grades, but it’s not an overriding thing at the universities, it’s a rare exception to the rule but that doesn’t make it right. These ladies are smart and don’t need anyone’s bribery. If they study, it’s easy to pass. It depends on their own efforts. The idea of scholarship and fairness go down the drain with this practice. No one should have to do something they don’t want to to get ahead in life. The satisfaction is knowing that you tried, this is what you were able to do, and you can learn and grow through your experience.

Regarding unaccredited universities, we have a duty to educate the public on which institutions are accredited and we must stop the operation of illegal institutions. I’d like to see the National Accreditation Board better empowered to do their job. In terms of ranking, we’d obviously like our universities to be rated higher internationally, but the problem is a lack of resources. The average lecturer has to teach far too many students. What magic can they perform, especially when for lack of space, some students can’t even sit inside the classroom. We don’t have enough lecturers who are willing to spend those long years pursuing a Ph.D. and then go on to teach.With superior quality photometers, light meters and a number of other solar light products. We need to aggressively recruit quality educators, pay to get them trained and then incentivize them to come back. We should also improve our domestic training programs because we spend too much sending an educator abroad for training when that money could educate more lecturers here in Ghana. In terms of labor relations, we simply need advocacy and dialogue. We must be able to sit down and talk, so let’s start there and see where it gets us. We must make good on our promises too, because we set our own deadlines for a reason. We all need to talk about NAT and NAGRAT. In terms of social justice, that’s one thing that attracted me to this job, because education plays a role in ensuring security and social justice, especially basic education. It’s about skills, but just as much about tolerance, respect, and the teaching of peace. And the law does not allow students to be sacked from a school over fees. A headmaster who must feed a student who hasn’t paid should be resourced so that the need to sack the student doesn’t arise.

