
Revis Wants To Be A Jet

Every now and then a player comes along who attempts to reinvent how the rules are written. Darrelle Revis is a very special talent. No one will ever dispute that. But this idea that he deserves special treatment during a time of organizational chaos shows he’s not quite the team guy he wants you to believe he is.

The Jets may have a new general manager and basically a new coaching staff, but that doesn’t mean they have the first clue what their plan is personnel-wise going forward. They are in the most radical state of transition that I can remember in my near 35 years of watching them. Odds are they are still formulating an approach on how to move forward and leave the last two years under former GM Mike Tannenbaum in the rearview.

The Jets have a plethora of holes to fill and, with Tuesday’s announcement of a bunch of cuts, are barely under the salary cap enough to even say with any conviction they know what the next steps will be to re-fill their cupboard.Don't make another silicone mold without these invaluable Mold Making supplies and accessories! Some of it will be addressed during the draft, but considering the talent pool they’ll have to choose from it’s difficult to say if they’ll get any immediate impact. They should be able to build for the future at positions of need, but if you are hoping for someone they select to take the league by storm, well, you might have to temper your enthusiasm just a bit.

This Revis thing bugs me because he wants to know his future before the Jets really know his future, which is ironic considering this is the same guy who held out twice and threatened a third not really caring about the Jets’ future. He wants a phone call. He wants to know about a potential trade. He wants to know if he’s going to get paid. It’s all about him, when the reality is he’s going to likely end up in a good situation with all the dollars that go with it, regardless if that situation is with the Jets or not. I don’t think a lot of teams are overly concerned about his knee, because the man has been diligent in his rehab, is a physical specimen in every way and was the beneficiary of medical science that is improving in leaps and bounds by the day.

The diehard Revis supporters worship the guy and understandably so, but they often conveniently overlook the fact that he signed a few contracts and then tried to change the rules, and the Jets and their fans were left in a lurch, trying to figure out how or if they should pay a player who doesn’t just want to be the highest paid at his position,Full custom bobbleheads dolls handmade and sculpted into your likeness. but wants to be among the highest paid in the game. I mean he wants to rival the top flight quarterbacks in salary, playing a position that, let’s face it, does not directly determine the outcome of games anywhere near as often as the responsibility that falls on the shoulders of a Peyton Manning, Drew Brees or any other elite signal caller you’d care to mention.

Now is this appropriate? That’s for the Jets to decide, but is such a complex decision to ponder it’s understandable that it is taking as long as it is for the organization to get to a place where it can live with itself either way. So Revis has to understand that this isn’t the Jets playing tit for tat due to his past holdouts, though there are many who wouldn’t blame them if they did. It’s about making probably the most important decision that has ever faced the franchise.Home Ventilation system gently and naturally ventilate your home with fresher.

Maybe Revis’ comments weren’t all about bravado. Maybe he’s lost some self confidence, which I get considering this is the first time he’s ever been legitimately injured. Maybe he thinks he’ll never get the monster contract he’s craved now that he may perceive himself as somewhat damaged goods. Like I said earlier, I do believe he’ll get whatever he wants eventually, but that doesn’t necessarily mean Revis right now thinks he can. Either way, the Jets are under no obligation to give him a head’s up as to their plans, though I do believe they would if they actually knew what their plans are.

It’s no secret owner Woody Johnson has soured on Revis the off-the-field guy, and that’s not to say he’s not a good man or charitable or there for the fans. Johnson is pretty much sick and tired of the dog and pony contract show Revis puts on every time he’s not happy, this holding the fans and organization hostage emotionally because he knows he can. Johnson may have decided long ago to move on from Revis, if you believe the rumors and unsubstantiated reports.

But that doesn’t mean he won’t change his mind, now that he has different people chewing his ear. Maybe John Idzik really likes Revis and wants him to be part of the future, and, more importantly, can find a way to make it work financially. Maybe Rex Ryan has more of a say in personnel than you have been led to believe. Either way, this owner has to trust his football people, who are now somewhat different than what he was used to dealing with before.

Again, this is a massive decision,When I first started creating broken china-mosaics. one that will benefit the Jets regardless of how they choose to go.

But they have to get it right. They have to leave no stone unturned. They either have to get a king’s ransom by trading Revis or make him an offer that appeases him but also doesn’t blow up their cap situation for several years. The Jets are trying to avoid the bad decisions of the past and even though Revis is Revis, perhaps giving him what he wants will eventually come back to bite them when Revis isn’t Revis anymore.Your council is responsible for the installation and maintenance of street light. There are just too many numbers to crunch and aspects of an organizational future to think about to be hasty just because one extraordinary player has a different, albeit more accelerated, timetable for getting something done.

Revis just needs to chill. That’s the best advice I can offer. He can talk until he’s blue in the face. He can make all the headlines he wants. He can have his people carry his message to the ends of the Earth.

But at the end of the day the Jets are going to do what is best for a team of many, not a team of one. They owe that much to themselves and the legions of millions that pay the bills.

President for extending benefits of BISP

Federal Minister and Chairperson BISP Ms.Your council is responsible for the installation and maintenance of street light. Farzana Raja called on President Asif Ali Zardari at Aiwan-e-Sadr on Tuesday and briefed the President on the status of the whole range of initiatives of the BISP encompassing Benazir Smart Card, mobile phone banking, programs for health and education services, imparting training for jobs, accident insurance and interest free financing for the poor and needy.

The President inquired in particular about the progress in providing educational and vocational training and other services to the people of tribal areas and Balochistan.

Ms. Farzana Raja apprised the President that 0.4 million deserving families from Balochistan have been included in BISP and the poverty survey had already been completed in the tribal areas.

While appreciating the progress made by BISP so far the President asked Farzana Raja to step up efforts for developing the program into a comprehensive social protection, poverty alleviation and women empowerment platform.Farzana Raja explained to the President how the BISP had been developed into a non partisan and non political poverty alleviation program whose beneficiaries were selected on the basis of transparent poverty survey and not any political or partisan consideration. She said that the poverty score card developed by it was a transparent and impartial survey of the poor through an internationally recognized procedure.

The President advised Chairperson BISP to take up the challenge of seeking the involvement of the private sector as well international donors for broadening the resource base of the Programme and extending benefits to more and more people.

The Chairman BISP apprised the President of technical and financial support received from various international organizations including the World Bank, USAID, DFID and ADB. She said that foreign government had also evinced interest in replicating the program in their countries.

Patients will be able to pay after they receive medical treatment rather than before, as is the current practice, China's Ministry of Health revealed yesterday.

Jiao Yahui, an official with the ministry's medical administration division,When I first started creating broken china-mosaics. said more than 20 provincial regions are carrying out pilot programs of the new payment method.

But Jiao said the "pay after" method would not be adopted nationwide in the short term due to the country's immature social credit system and insufficient medical insurance.

Currently, Chinese citizens pay up front before being operated on or undergoing other treatment. They can then apply for a reimbursement covered by medical insurance,Full custom bobbleheads dolls handmade and sculpted into your likeness. usually more than 70 percent of the total cost.Home Ventilation system gently and naturally ventilate your home with fresher.

In August 2011, there was a national outcry after a nightshift doctor in central China's Hubei Province removed stitches from a patient, who had torn tendons in his right hand, because the patient did not have enough money to pay the fees involved.

There have also been reports of hospitals threatening to withhold medication if patients fail to pay in advance.

In Shanghai, however, some community hospitals adopted the "pay after" method two years ago.Don't make another silicone mold without these invaluable Mold Making supplies and accessories! In Xuhui District, that's the practice in all community hospitals.

"By flashing the smart card with each person's medical insurance, the card can do real-time recording of all tests and prescriptions," said Guan Juanjuan of the district's health bureau. "Patients only need pay after all diagnosis and treatment is fulfilled, instead of paying fees before each test."

However, people failing to pay bills are recorded in the medical insurance system and banned from the "pay after" method the next time they seek treatment.

Larger hospitals say they would have difficulty in adopting the new method, since up to 50 percent of their patients could be from provinces which have no connection with local medical insurance.

"The government only covers 5 percent of big hospitals' costs, so the hospital must earn the other 95 percent by themselves," said Xia Lin of the Shanghai Children's Medical Center. "If promoting the method, the government should give a subsidy to cover the delayed payment of hospitalized patients."

In Shanghai, Longhua Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is the only large hospital using the new method, but only for outpatients covered by medical insurance.

Jiao said once the new system is implemented, patients, especially those suffering extreme conditions, receive treatment first. After the treatment, patients will only pay the part that is not included in the medical insurance. The rest will be paid to hospitals by the government.

Updated Wyncote plans presented to public

At a routine facilities meeting at the Cheltenham School District building Feb.Don't make another silicone mold without these invaluable Mold Making supplies and accessories! 5, the design team updated school officials, parents, teachers and community members about the plans for the school.

This presentation was in preparation for a township zoning meeting scheduled for Feb. 26 in Curtis Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Wyncote, which is located on Rices Mill Road, sits on a 5-acre property in a residential neighborhood. The plan proposes the construction of a multimillion-dollar, two-story building with a 65-space parking lot and a school bus loop that’s access point is located on Barker Road and can accommodate 12 buses.Home Ventilation system gently and naturally ventilate your home with fresher.

However, after many meetings with school board and township officials and input from the community, landscape architect Glenn Harris, a consultant for Gilbert Architects Inc., explained to committee members how the team has made improvements to the plan.

A major criticism expressed by the community was that the bus loop was bigger than it needed to be and the team took that under evaluation,When I first started creating broken china-mosaics. Harris said.

“There was a reason for [the large bus loop] in that we were trying to circulate buses around to drop students off in the entry zone,” he said.

Harris proposed a size decrease to the loop to accommodate the nine buses that serve the school. With this change, he said that it will give them the space to design a serpentine sidewalk system so students can avoid walking through the bus zone, as well as give them the opportunity to add more green space.

The team also examined if it was efficient for school buses to remain parked on Barker Road in the new design — a suggestion that was received from the community.

“Water will be able to penetrate into the ground instead of going down stream, but can also be sized with an outlet structure,” he said.We are one of the leading manufacturers of solar street lamps in China. “The water can back up into this system and act as a temporary detention, which slows down the rate water runs off the site.”

About 2 feet of soil will be excavated out of the ground and replaced with a mixture of sand, top soil and compost — and greenery will be planted on top. This will be done at two locations on the site where the soil has been tested and deemed good for water filtration, Harris said.

The team also proposes to put a vegetated roof above the kindergarten classrooms that can hold about an inch of rainfall and acts as another means to slow down water runoff, he said.

After a summer experiment - deemed successful by BART officials and bike advocates - in which the regional rail transit system abandoned its bike ban during commute hours on five Fridays, BART is preparing for a second test. During March 18-22, bikes will be allowed in BART stations and aboard all trains - where there's room - all day and night.

In addition to the bikes-on-board test, BART is also reconfiguring its rail cars to make more room for bikes, along with wheelchairs, luggage, strollers and standing riders, near train doors, and has plans to install more secure parking spots for bikes at stations, establish bike waiting areas at crowded stations, provide real-time information on train crowding, and participate in a regional bike-sharing plan.

Along with those improvements, BART will also launch campaigns on bike etiquette, keep bikes off of escalators, and encourage bicyclists to use the Montgomery Station instead of Embarcadero, which has narrower platforms and worse commute-hour crowding.

"We're trying to attract new riders who ride bikes," said Tom Radulovich, president of the Board of Directors.Full custom bobbleheads dolls handmade and sculpted into your likeness. "We also want to encourage riders who drive to cycle, and we want to accommodate those riders who already cycle."

EURFC can hold their heads high

What a way to end the regular season for EURFC. The 1st XV produced an accomplished performance on Wednesday night to send Bath packing and ruing their luck after their third successive Sandy Park Varsity defeat.

Conditions were always going to play their part and certainly the first half suffered due to the wet, foggy atmosphere and bog-like pitch. The intense pressure of playing in front of an expectant and vociferous crowd coupled with the weather made sure that the first period would become a no holds barred midfield battle. For the initiated, the first 40 minutes were tense and, dare I say, exciting, but could be seen as slow and dull for the newcomer.

Neither side could wrestle control of proceedings in the first half and the only real points scoring was physical rather than numerical. Bath were intent on playing a slow, grinding and narrow game hoping to grind Exeter down until they ran out of ideas. It looked as though this might work as the game neared half time as muddled decision making, opting not to turn their territorial advantage into points, by Exeter made sure Bath went into the break a sole penalty ahead.

Varsity will always have big collisions and players will demonstrate a never-back-down attitude so it was great shame to see Club Captain Bertie Haskins limp off with a foot injury after 32 minutes. His replacement, Sinel, last season’s winning try scorer, however, had an instant impact. His first scrum was superb as EURFC marched Bath back 20 metres and won the penalty.

Support from the AU clubmen and especially the EURFC members was vociferous and unwavering throughout, surely adding wind to the Exeter sails.

If the first half was an attritional battle, the second was an attacking slaughter as Exeter, no doubt buoyed by half-time words, came out with upped intensity and went for the jugular from the outset. Bath were unable to cope with the speed of Exeter’s attacking play after the break and conceded early after a superb piece of two-on-one play by scrum half Rob Coote to feed Bain who finished well in the corner.Full custom bobbleheads dolls handmade and sculpted into your likeness.

Bath constantly tried to slow Exeter’s momentum but the referee was hot on their tail reaching for her yellow card on no less than three occasions. This was very costly as Chisholm’s chip and Gray’s charge down put the men in green in an unassailable lead.

The second period proved that the first was worth it. Exeter capitalised as Bath wilted before their eyes. When Claxton touched down for Exeter’s fourth you felt that the final whistle couldn’t come sooner for the visitors. Full-back Ali Chisholm will take the plaudits for a complete performance but credit must go to the work of the forwards in the first half in grinding Bath down so that the second half onslaught was possible.

Exeter have now won all three of their Sandy Park Varsity fixtures and end the normal BUCS season unbeaten on their own turf, a fantastic achievement. The 1st XV’s season does not end here however as they have now secured a home draw in the play-offs. If they perform as well as they have done all season Exeter could be making a rare trip to rugby HQ, Twickenham to play in the BUCS final.

All told, it’s been a fantastic season for the club. The 2nd XV are currently two points clear at the top of the Western 1A league with four fixtures left in the campaign, while Exeter also are dominating the Western 2A league with the 3rd and 4th XV BUCS teams first and third respectively as of this week. EURFC’s 5th XV, otherwise known as the mighty Flair XV, have four matches to secure promotion, with only three points separating them and breaking into the top two. Finally,When I first started creating broken china-mosaics. the 6th XV, the second fresher XV,Home Ventilation system gently and naturally ventilate your home with fresher. have won all five of their BUCS fixtures so far.We are one of the leading manufacturers of solar street lamps in China.

With many of the 1st XV gaining higher honours this season and some top performances throughout the club, EURFC has plenty to shout out, but none more so than the score line of Exeter 29, Bath 6. The three-peat is complete. Well done boys.Don't make another silicone mold without these invaluable Mold Making supplies and accessories!

Although a small number of distributors were allowed to start selling it on December 1, but it was more akin to a public beta as the final version of the firmware was to be released at a later point with the official launch being scheduled for 20 December.

So, after a number of firmware updates, now it's finally time for our review of the Popcorn Hour A-400.

Media players arrived en masse around 2007 and may have passed their peak by now because most of the features they pioneered are now integrated into televisions, Blu-ray players and home cinema sets, in a way that's good enough for most consumers.

That said, those products do have limitations, as most consumer electronics can't handle M2TS in VIDEO_TS folders, not to mention ISO files and HD audio streams not originating from a Blu-ray disc. Then there's of course also the niche audience for whom "good enough" isn't nearly good enough.

Syabas is one of the few companies that tries to fill that void. In 2007, it released the first Popcorn Hour media player, called the A-100. It will be interesting to see how long media players like this will still be made as the development of new media player chips at Realtek has reportedly been put on ice, because they're apparently unable to acquire the necessary licenses for formats including Blu-ray.

And selling a media player that doesn't support the main formats is pointless. Sigma has encountered similar issues, as the latest generation chips does not fully support Blu-ray (there's no support for menus or BD Live) possibly because the Blu-ray consortium refused to give out a license.


Indonesia Build Relations From the Ground Up

Twenty-year old John Steele is just one of almost one million Australians who traveled to Indonesia last year.

But like the majority of his fellow travelers, he never got beyond the allure of beaches and booze in Bali.

“It’s a cheap and easy option. A lot of people my age have gone [to Bali], or talk about going,” he said.

“Most Australians my age didn’t seem interested in finding anything out about Indonesian culture. The main attraction was partying, warm weather and the beach.”

In Australia’s government-commissioned white paper on Australia in the Asian Century, cultural understanding was identified as a key element to engagement in the region. But analysts claim that despite Indonesia being a favorite holiday destination for Australians,RFID TagSource is the leading provider of RFID tag solutions for high value asset management applications. many have a critical lack of understanding of their closest Asian neighbor.

Ross Tapsell, a lecturer in Asian Studies from the Australian National University, said that Australians would benefit greatly from expanding their knowledge of Indonesia.

“We have so many Australians that travel to Bali each year and basically end up in Western enclaves,” he said.

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had more Australians who wanted to venture out, make Indonesian friends, travel outside of Kuta and absorb more of what is a great country which is right on our doorstep.”

Australia’s ambassador to Indonesia, Greg Moriarty, agreed.

“I think Indonesia is an incredibly rich and culturally diverse country and I think that many Australians would find it very useful and enriching to be able to go beyond [Bali] to have a broader Indonesian experience,” he said in an interview.

While Moriarty said it was primarily up to the Indonesian government to promote destinations other than Bali, Australia as a neighbor could still play its part.

“Australian tour operators could also be a bit more creative in terms of the packages that they present to tourists,” he said.

In an interview with the Jakarta Globe,I personally really like these mini ear cap for my iPhone. Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Mari Elka Pangestu said that Indonesia was focusing on increasing awareness as well as the accessibility of destinations around the whole country.

“We’ve been saying ‘Beyond Bali’ for a long time, so this time it has to really happen,” she said. “We need to make sure that there is awareness, that there is the information and there is the connectivity.”

In a 2012 Australian government-commissioned report, David Hill from Murdoch University in Perth warned that Australia needed to improve its understanding of Indonesian culture and language, or face the danger of being left behind.

“Without reinvesting in Indonesian studies, Australia risks losing our comparative advantage and the consequent economic, political and strategic advantage that our previous expertise gave us in our relationship with Indonesia,’’ he wrote in the report.

Hill’s report found that Indonesian language study in Australia was in “crisis.”

He found that more final-year high-school students studied Indonesian in 1972 than in 2009. Between 2001 and 2010, Australian university enrollments in Indonesian nationally dropped by 37 percent, despite a 40 percent jump in the overall undergraduate population.

The report also showed that since 2001, school enrollments in Indonesian classes declined on average by 10,000 per year.

There are currently about 190,000 Australian students studying Indonesian at school, but according to Hill, the vast majority of them are still in the lower levels of school.

He said the drop came at a time when Australia should have been focusing more than ever on Indonesia.

“That enrollments grew during the Suharto dictatorship only to fall as Indonesia began democratizing after his fall in 1998 is ironic, and indicates a lost opportunity for engagement with a society opening up to the world,” he wrote in the report.

The latest white paper recognizes the need to reinvest in “Asian literacy,” but some analysts have criticized the lack of clear policy direction.

“The difficulty is, how do you implement this plan? And at the moment there hasn’t been specifics as to how the government is going to continue or adopt programs to make this plan work,” Tapsell said.

“They already cut the national Asian studies program and have said they want to do something bigger, so let’s see what the bigger program is and how it’s going to work.”

In a statement to the Jakarta Globe,we are the biggest USB flash drives wholesale supplier in china. ambassador Moriarty stressed the importance of Australians gaining a greater knowledge of their closest Asian neighbors.

“Popular Australian attitudes toward Indonesia more broadly suggest perceptions are still stuck in the past and could be refreshed,” he said.

“Education has a role. An objective of the white paper is to ensure that by 2025 every Australian student will have significant exposure to studies of Asia across the curriculum to increase their cultural knowledge and skills to enable them to be active in the region.”

Talk of increasing Australia’s “Asian literacy” is far from new. In 1994, then Prime Minister Paul Keating declared, “No country is more important to Australia than Indonesia. If we fail to get this relationship right and to nurture and develop it, the whole web of our foreign relations is incomplete.”

As a result, Keating implemented the National Asian Languages and Studies in Australian Schools program in 1995. It focused on increasing students’ abilities to become familiar with the language and culture of four key neighbors: Japan, Korea, China and Indonesia.

The strategy outlined in the 2012 white paper replaces Korea with India.Full color plastic card printing and manufacturing services.

Tapsell sees the dramatic drop in Asian language studies since the mid-90s as a result of the policies of the conservative coalition led by Prime Minister John Howard that governed Australia from 1996 to 2007.

“It’s been steadily declining since 1996 and I think you can put that down largely to the federal government at the time, the Howard government, placing less of an emphasis on Asian languages and in particular Indonesian language. There hasn’t been as much support for it as there should have been,” Tapsell said.

He stressed the need to find a way for students to become engaged in Indonesian studies.

“It’s no use saying we need more Australians speaking Indonesian,A card with an embedded IC (Integrated Circuit) is called an IC card. we need to give them reasons as to why they should be interested in Indonesia and develop content which flourishes that interest,” he said.

“For example, make sure that if we’re doing a subject on volcanoes in primary school, let’s use the example of Indonesian volcanoes.”

Artist Rutherford Chang's "We Buy White Albums" and the origins of fandom

The blog Dust & Grooves has a new interview with the artist Rutherford Chang, who currently has an exhibit showing at Recess gallery in New York called "We Buy White Albums." It consists of Chang's collection of nearly 700 copies of the Beatles' self-titled 1968 double LP, starting with his first one, which he picked up at a garage sale in California as a teenager. The show's set up like a record store devoted entirely to the White Album, with shelves of them sorted by the serial number printed on its original pressing (Chang only collects numbered copies, which he says, "[implies] that it is a limited edition, although one running in excess of 3 million"). Select specimens are displayed on a "staff picks" wall, and the album itself plays perpetually over the "store" stereo. True to the exhibition's title, Chang will buy any numbered copies of the White Album that you bring him.

Chang's obsessively single-minded curatorship has turned up a few interesting facts about the record. For instance, his collection is entirely devoid of copies numbered between 2,700,00 and 2,800,00, which Chang says is "statistically unlikely" and suggests that something weird happened to 100,000 copies of the White Album to keep them off the market. He's also collected a large number of copies with sleeves decorated by their former owners, who seem to have taken Richard Hamilton's brutally minimalist cover art as an invitation to supply their own.I personally really like these mini ear cap for my iPhone.

From what I can tell from the D&G post, most of the fan-drawn covers are of around a "stoned doodle" level of execution, but this hand-painted one has its own 70s-mellow charm, and the copy where the previous owner seems to have used it as a kind of countercultural guest book is fairly fascinating. And who can resist the folksy charms of this lovingly rendered portrait of a roach clip?

What's really interesting is how spontaneously emergent it is. If you wrap a Beatles record in a plain white sleeve, a certain percentage of listeners will naturally use it as the platform for their own visual interpretations. Humans raised in the modern media-rich environment seem to almost instinctively want to Full color plastic card printing and manufacturing services.interact with the cultural artifacts that they love by creating more artifacts in various media. The extent of that drive is only recently becoming clear, as the Internet has begun connecting creatively minded devotees of specific cultural properties into the massive, noncanonical content-generating hive mind known collectively as "fandom."

Modern-day fandom can be remarkably serious and sophisticated,A card with an embedded IC (Integrated Circuit) is called an IC card. not to mention strange. Hatsune Miku, the computer-generated Japanese pop star, has intensely devoted groupies who write songs and choreograph dance moves for her, and others who design her outfits or create the Hatsune Miku-themed pornography that her owners seem remarkably OK with. And One Direction fan-fiction writers have created a romance between two of the boy-band members that, remarkably, has made the transition into the real world, at least in the minds of some fans.

The Japanese, who remain the gold standard for obsessive fandom, have a name for this:niji sousaku, literally, "secondary creation." But the phenomenon isn't limited to the Japanese. It's cross-cultural, and may be a natural reaction of the human mind to the amount of information it's being fed in Internet-enabled societies. Maybe one day the drive to make niji sousaku will be considered just as much a part of the human condition as the need to make art in the first place. In that case these hand-decorated White Albums might be fandom's equivalent of the cave paintings of Lascaux.RFID TagSource is the leading provider of RFID tag solutions for high value asset management applications.

An allergy is defined as an abnormal sensitivity to a substance normally tolerated and generally considered harmless such as pollen, food, drugs or even an insect sting. This means that while some substances are as a rule well tolerated by most people, they can induce an allergic reaction in others, mainly due to the presence of the IgE antibody.

Our immune system can produce five distinct classes of immunoglobulins: IgA, IgG, IgM, IgD and IgE. IgA, IgG and IgM protect our bodies against foreign organisms. Despite its presence in our body in only a minute quantity, IgE is a key player in allergic reactions. The reason why some substances induce IgE production and others do not, or why only some individuals develop an allergic reaction is still not fully understood. However, we do know that genetic predisposition plays a significant role in developing allergies.we are the biggest USB flash drives wholesale supplier in china.

Allergic reactions are linked to allergen-IgE- mast cells/basophils and chemical mediators that induce immediate symptoms which can be easily controlled with antihistamine. Typically, sneezing, a runny, itchy nose, or wheezing peaks rapidly, but subsides within a few hours. However, some patients can also experience a so-called "delayed phase reaction" after the initial allergic reaction. The delayed phase reaction usually appears about four to six hours after allergen exposure. Delayed phase reaction is caused by inflammation which can only be treated with nasal or inhaled steroids.

I see Mrs Vince Cable as a title

If cows can be considered to have a casting vote, then Hopeful and Caramel have done their bit to make sure Rachel Smith sees more of her husband in the future. The wife of the business secretary, Vince Cable, is a farmer with a dwindling beef herd in the middle of the New Forest. For months she has been trying to get these two Dexters in calf. The bull has visited; the artificial insemination man has been summoned with his catheter, but the two ladies remain resolutely and mystifyingly barren.

“Mrs Vince”, as people tend to call her, is loosening some of her country ties so she can spend more time in London, or wherever her husband’s frantic round of party political campaigning takes him now that the Eastleigh by-election has been called and local elections are not far off. She also wants to be free to travel to Cambridge, where she is a trustee of the friends of the university’s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Vince’s family home in his Twickenham constituency will make an ideal staging post. But what to do about the cows? And when to do it? As followers of the cinematically famous “Moo Man” of East Sussex know, you can get very attached to your bovine moneymakers.

“I feel they are telling me this is coming to a natural end,Design and order your own custom silicone bracelet / rubber bracelets with personalized message and artwork.” she says. “I can’t pass on animals I’m having difficulty getting in calf. I’d rather see them off myself. But I won’t enjoy it. Each time it gets worse.”

It’s dusk on a bitter winter day and the isolated moorland farm, fringed by the skeletons of trees, is flooded with last light. This ancient freehold pasture, surrounded by national parkland, has been farmed since Saxon times and is listed in Domesday.we are the biggest USB flash drives wholesale supplier in china. The cows in question are huddled together as if they know their companionship is on a short lease.

Down a track, its basement sunk into the field, hunkers the modest brick cottage that Mr and Mrs Vince have shared since Rachel moved out of the main farmhouse in favour of her son, Dylan, who now manages the estate alongside his full-time job running yacht harbours. Comfortable old chairs, a woodburner, colourful rugs, pictures from their separate pasts: a cosy retreat where a high-profile politician might shuffle off the cares of the Westminster week.

She looks too slight for the muscular work of managing cattle, but not all the tactics are physical. “You have to put up with a certain amount of bovine obstinacy. It helps to learn to think a little bit more like a cow.” There’s a scar on her upper lip where she was once flattened by a beast that fell off a ramp, trapping her,Online shopping for luggage tag from a great selection of Clothing. as it was being loaded into a truck. She was concussed. Two ambulances arrived. “I was very bashed up,” she smiles, “but nothing very serious.”

No farmer is a sentimentalist. As a beef farmer surrounded by wild New Forest ponies (some of which are exported for the meat trade), she has a robust way of looking at the horse meat scandal. “Apart from keeping out of the food chain animals which have had medication recently – we all sign forms to this effect – this is more about food taboos than food safety,” she says.

When she lived in Holland,A lanyard may refer to a rope or cord worn around the neck or wrist to carry an object. where her first husband was working in the early Seventies, she tried horse meat. “Horses are extremely clean feeders and their meat is lean. I found it rather dense and flavourless. Here, most horses are eaten by dogs, either raw or cooked and canned. However, my old riding pony was buried in our bluebell wood with a tree planted over her. Ditto my old border collie. My last cat has daffodils on top. It is a matter of pets versus livestock.

The crux of the matter, she argues, is that food products should be properly labelled: “Banning imports is not helpful.” As it happens, Vince’s 10-year-old grandson, Ayrton, is the poster boy for a Compassion in World Farming campaign to require all meat products to be labelled to say how the animal was reared.

Independent businesswoman that she is, Mrs Vince has not been impressed by the logistics of trying to be a supportive political wife. To be with her husband on foreign trips, she either has to pay business class (ouch) or sit in the back of the plane. “And I am supposed to be doing this to be with him?” she asks, eyebrows raised. His rapid elevation to Cabinet minister demanded a rethink.

“I thought when Vince got this job [as business secretary] in 2010, that I would really have to change my style and we’d be together at the weekend wherever he happened to be. But he doesn’t get weekends. This weekend, he went back at 9am on Sunday and we won’t have a full weekend until after the local elections in May. What I didn’t grasp when he became business secretary is that midweek would be so pressured.

“At times he is more exhausted than he’d like people to know, but he is psychologically incredibly resilient. He’ll say, 'I’m feeling dreadful,’ and three hours later he’s forgotten he ever told me he wasn’t OK. He does set a pace.”

Their late-flowering romance astonished them both. They met, prosaically, when Cable was guest speaker at a meeting of the New Forest branch of the United Nations Association in 2001. His wife, Olympia, whom he had nursed for many months, had not long since died of breast cancer and his way of dealing with grief was to keep himself busy. A middle-aged woman in the front row (whom he noticed had excellent legs) challenged him at question time on his free-trade approach to agriculture.

Later, when Rachel Wenban Smith was delegated to give him a lift back to the train station, they realised they had met as students at Cambridge. “The unresolved debate about trade and agriculture,” he recalled, “led to an agreement to return to the New Forest and visit her farm.” When he did, trade policy was not uppermost in their minds.

Rachel, now 67,A chip card is a plastic card that has a computer chip implanted into it that enables the card to perform certain. was divorced and had been farming alone since her husband left her for another woman after more than 30 years of marriage. Her confidence was low. “I was dumbfounded,” she says of the break-up. “We had had bumps but I thought we had worked out what the light and shade in the marriage was. I think it was the most difficult thing that has ever happened to me – including the day our previous house burned down around us. I don’t know how you deal with it. One is off one’s head with rage. I do remember that.” In extremis, she admits throwing a pot of jam at his lover’s door.

Fake Food George Washington Could've Sunk His Fake Teeth Into

If you want to see what George Washington might have munched on, then Sandy Levins is your gal. All the foods she whips up look scrumptious, but if you sneak a bite, you'll get a mouthful of plaster or clay.Design and order your own custom silicone bracelet / rubber bracelets with personalized message and artwork.

Levins is one of a handful of frequently overlooked artisans who craft the replica meals you see in the kitchens and dining rooms of historic houses and museums. Adding faux food to a historical site can help visitors connect to the past, she tells The Salt.

"It's something everyone immediately identifies with, because everyone eats," she says.

"It opens up all kinds of avenues,A lanyard may refer to a rope or cord worn around the neck or wrist to carry an object." she adds, "because then you can talk about what was grown locally, what kind of market would your people have had access to, depending on their socio-economic status, who would have cooked the food and what were their stories."

Since she took up the craft over a decade ago, Levins has created displays for the Deshler-Morris House in Philadelphia, New York's Lower East Side Tenement Museum, and the Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, Ga. For George Washington's Mount Vernon estate, among other dishes, she created herring drizzled with mustard sauce, modeled on a recipe from Martha Washington's copy of The Art of Cookery by Hannah Glasse.

For 2013, Levins is working with the John James Audubon house in Key West, Fla., recreating local delicacies like turtle soup, oysters on the half shell, okra, Spanish limes and a roasting pig. And Mount Vernon has commissioned her to make 70 pieces of meat —whole hams, hog jowls, middlings (bacon slabs) and pork shoulders — for its newly refurbished smokehouse. It's said that of all the food produced at Mount Vernon, Martha Washington was particularly proud of her hams.

When she gets a commission, Levins dives into the history books, researching the period, location and socio-economic background of the site's former inhabitants. She has several shelves of period cookbooks that she turns to for insight, and also finds visual inspiration in the still-life paintings of Golden Age Dutch masters – who taught the rest of the world a thing or two about making art that looks good enough to eat.

"You need a good eye for color and subtle shading if your foods are to look like the real thing," she says.

Clay, papier-maché, and plaster of Paris can all be raw ingredients for Levins' inedible vittles, depending on the look she's going for.Online shopping for luggage tag from a great selection of Clothing. Strips of rubber latex work great for sauerkraut, she says. What doesn't make the cut? Organics – as in materials that could attract critters or mold.

Over the years, Levins' work has taken over the first floor of her New Jersey home ?— with half-sculpted roast pigs' heads looming over the family room couch. And her family knows not to go digging through the freezer, less they stumble upon one of the less-appealing real foods she uses as a model — say, a raw beef tongue.A chip card is a plastic card that has a computer chip implanted into it that enables the card to perform certain.

Yeah, absolutely. I think tattooing has kind of hit an almost a Renaissance form of art. You have so many crossover artists; you have so many graffiti artists that became tattoo artists, you have sign painting, classic painting, pop painters, all these different art forms. Even fashion, clothing -- they all kind of fuse. A lot of people have found inspiration from tattoos and have drawn inspiration from tattooers for their personal art. I think tattoos are completely underrated in the fine art world and that's why I wanted to offer this. I wanted to base the mantra of the shop on showing off the talent we have inside our industry.

Last night I went to a sticker show at Tony Goldman's space. It was a cool Miami vibe, the right people came out and showed up. I'm trying to create that vibe here in the art space. I have the location and the love and care I put into the design. The heart and soul of the shop; I feel like this is the place to invite all these artists that have so much to show to come and show.

We're planning to curate at least a bi-monthly show as well as a huge Basel project that for the time being is under wraps. But we're gonna do something major this year for Basel.

If you look at the fashion world, you look at the corporate world, they've raped and pillaged tattooing to no end and no tattoo artists have been compensated. They just rape and pillage. If we put the art form of tattoos and the painting and real style tattoos -- we're really the tastemakers out there. That fuels a lot of people's finances. If we legitimize that as a community, we'll reap the benefits of our own hard labor.

I do have a big a collage here and stuff, I'm just so busy. I just got back from Milan and Ireland. It's not like the average shop. It took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. It's a hectic workload but it's all worth it. Coupled with that and a small clothing line that we're starting out. We're doing everything guerrilla,we are the biggest USB flash drives wholesale supplier in china. we're not really relying on a name. We're trying to do everything more grassroots. We're grinding just like everybody else. It doesn't hurt to have a TV show, but it's not like they're jumping to be like, "Chris, what can we do for you?" We've got to do it ourselves.


Courthouse security undergoing new scrutiny

Attorney Thomas W. Teixeira started thinking about courthouse security while sitting in a Norwich courtroom during a recent murder trial.

Two factions of young people were watching the case, which involved local residents with colorful street names, and the tension was palpable. Teixeira wondered how he would escape the second-floor courtroom if violence erupted.

It was around the same time that 20 children and six adults were shot and killed by a lone gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, raising questions about security in all public buildings.

Teixeira got to thinking about whether judicial marshals, who carry only a baton and pepper spray, are adequately equipped to keep the state's courthouses safe.

He wrote a letter calling on the Judicial Branch to arm at least one marshal in each state courthouse and to provide training and guns to those who transport prisoners.

In Hartford, top judicial officials said they were already reviewing existing security policies and procedures.

"Clearly it was precipitated in large part by the Sandy Hook tragedy," Judge Patrick L. Carroll III, the state's deputy chief court administrator, said in a recent phone interview.

Security at the state's 42 courts and 30 other offices has been a priority for Chief Justice Chase Rodgers since she was sworn in nearly six years ago, according to Carroll.

"She has said it's the one thing that keeps her awake at night," he said.

That was before Monday's news reports that a man involved in a custody dispute walked into the public lobby of a Wilmington, Del., courthouse and opened fire, killing his ex-wife and one other person. The man exchanged gunfire with police, then shot himself. According to reports, the Delaware state court system uses armed police officers, roaming court bailiffs and a police dog to protect the 12-story courthouse.

Back in Connecticut, all security measures are on the table for discussion and review, including arming some of the state's judicial marshals, Carroll said. The marshals have not had guns since the Judicial Branch assumed the duties of the high sheriffs in 2000.

"We've talked about that in the past," Carroll said. "Obviously times change, needs change, and it's something we are going to consider."

Teixeira hesitated to call attention to what he considers weaknesses in courthouse security but said he decided to make his letter public because he would feel terrible if something happened and he had said nothing.

"Many want to place an armed officer in every school to prevent the extremely rare occurrence when a violent, unstable person approaches or enters a school building," he wrote. "Yet every day across this state, violent, unstable people line up in numbers to enter our courthouses. They do so under extreme duress, usually facing dire consequences and often with their enemies or victims standing just a few feet away.Have a look at all our custom bobbleheads models starting at 59.90US$ with free proofing. And the men and women charged with protecting everyone in this most pressure-packed environment lack the means to protect even themselves."

More than 7 million people enter state judicial facilities through metal detectors each year, according to Joseph D. D'Alesio, executive director of Superior Court operations.Basics, technical terms and advantages and disadvantages of Laser engraver. The facility entrances also are equipped with X-ray scanners to show the contents of purses, briefcases and other items. Marshals use hand-held metal detectors to double-check those who set off the walk-through units.

Judge Carroll said staffing the courthouse entryways is perhaps the most important duty that marshals perform. He said he has been surprised at some of the items - knives and other sharp objects - that marshals have seized from visitors.

Though courthouses are predominately gun-free,We have become one of the worlds most recognised Ventilation system brands. there are a few exceptions. The inspectors who work in the state's attorney's offices are sworn law-enforcement personnel who are allowed to carry concealed weapons. Police officers in plain clothes can carry concealed guns into courthouses. Uniformed police can carry guns into court, and even into a courtroom, with a judge's permission.

Connecticut's judicial marshals transport an average of 584 prisoners between courthouses and correctional facilities each day. Teixeira fears the unarmed judicial marshals would be unable to protect themselves, their prisoners and the public should something happen on a roadway.

The marshals also staff courthouse-holding facilities and are stationed inside courtrooms to maintain order. While Carroll said he would like to have a marshal stationed in every courtroom, including those where family and civil cases are heard, there are not enough marshals for that. Criminal courtrooms, lockup areas and prisoner transportation take priority, he said.

The Office of Policy and Management initially recommended that there be 1,080 judicial marshals statewide, but funded only 920, according to D'Alesio.

"With the budget the way it is, we feel the optimal number for us is 820," he said. "We're at 741 right now, including a class in session."

New marshals complete a 14-week training program covering topics such as management of aggressive behavior, CPR and crisis intervention, before they are accredited, D'Alesio said. They all undergo semi-annual training.

Superior Court Judge Kevin P. McMahon said he would feel better if there were armed marshals or former police officers in courthouses, provided they were well-trained.

"Do I think it's urgent? No," he said. "But would we kick ourselves if we didn't do something and something happened? Yes."

McMahon, who has presided over criminal cases for 20 years, says at some point in every courtroom he has ever sat in, he has thought, "How would I get out of here if something happened?"

In 2003, McMahon was presiding over a sexual assault trial in New London when a frustrated juror burst into a courtroom and shouted, "Don't shoot! I've got a gun." People fled the courtroom in panic. Marshals detained the man, who was not armed, and McMahon declared a mistrial.

So-called "panic buttons" that summon marshals are placed strategically in courthouses, but some wonder whether unarmed marshals would be able to respond appropriately to a shooting.

"If you hear shots fired and you're a marshal, are you going to go running in there to get yourself shot?" McMahon asked.

State police have jurisdiction over courthouses, and in the event troopers are not nearby, local departments may be called as backup.

"We have a good relationship with the Connecticut State Police, and when we know we have a potentially volatile situation, the chief judicial marshal will contact them and let them know," Carroll said.

McMahon said criminals tend to "play the game" in court as they try to get deals in their cases,Solar Sister is a network of women who sell solar lamp to communities that don't have access to electricity. but occasionally someone acts out.

The last court-related shooting in Connecticut was in June 2005, when retired state trooper Michael Bochicchio, in the midst of divorce and custody proceedings, fatally shot his estranged wife and critically wounded her lawyer before turning the gun on himself on the top deck of a Middletown parking garage used by the court.

Closer to home, another divorce case ended violently in 1984, when Kenneth Spargo of East Lyme walked into a crowded courtroom in Norwich, pulled a 9 mm pistol from his coat pocket and fatally shot his estranged wife. He surrendered at the scene and was sentenced a year later to 20 years in prison, suspended after 12 years served, and five years probation. A jury had found that he acted under "extreme emotional distress."

New London attorney Edward B. O'Connell, representing the victim's estate, brought a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the court's metal detector,Don't make another silicone mold without these invaluable Mold Making supplies and accessories! using as evidence Spargo's testimony that he had carried the gun through the metal detector.

My new teenager is sweet, smart, lovable - now

Having a freshly minted teenager does feel pretty lucky, surprisingly. My oldest is the whole package: intelligent, hardworking, exceptionally kind, artistic, beautiful, athletic and really, really good at math. All parents say this, but in my case it's the swear-to-God truth. These amazing traits all come from me, of course. Well, except for the math ability. Must be a rogue gene.

At one time - 13 years ago, to be exact - the thought of having a teenager in the house would have sent me straight to the computer to Google boarding schools. Teenagers! They're sullen! They're mean! They don't speak! (Is it bad that I was actually kinda rooting for that last one?)

Not so. But before all you parents of hormonal, perpetually grumpy teens start to hate me, allow me to offer some back story. Truth be told, I did, um,Solar Sister is a network of women who sell solar lamp to communities that don't have access to electricity. look into boarding schools when No. 1 was much, much younger. They don't actually take preschoolers, though.

The exceedingly polite, lovable daughter I have today started off as quite the pistol. Ah, the burden of being first.

Napping was not in her vocabulary. She learned to talk early - and sassily. Part of family legend: As a toddler, she yelled at her father, "Don't tell me how to live my life!" She was 2 1/2. His sin: gently suggesting that she might want to reconsider wearing a turtleneck sweater in the middle of summer since it was 120 degrees outside.

Terrible twos indeed. Then came the treacherous threes. I won't tell you what "f" adjective came in front of 4. Hint: It wasn't fabulous.

As mother and daughter, we were oil and water. Eye-rolling and back-talking were so rampant - at 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 - that I started clamping down with penalties, charging quarters for bad behaviors. She breezily told me she didn't care about money. In a brilliant parenting move, I switched to a punishment I knew she'd hate: 10 minutes of backrub for every indiscretion. It worked, and I got the kinks worked out of my neck.

Years ago,Don't make another silicone mold without these invaluable Mold Making supplies and accessories! this mother,We have become one of the worlds most recognised Ventilation system brands. who had two much older children along with a kindergartner, told me that she loved each and every stage, that teenagedom wasn't bad at all. To answer your obvious question,Basics, technical terms and advantages and disadvantages of Laser engraver. no, she did not have alcohol on her breath.

Back then, I thought she was crazy. Now, I see what she means.

I love having these earnest conversations and helping No. 1 navigate life. I marvel at how she's starting to share my interests, like shopping, and that she never holds a grudge, even against someone who may have forgotten to pick her up at school on a few occasions.Have a look at all our custom bobbleheads models starting at 59.90US$ with free proofing. My oldest has blossomed into this incredibly sweet, caring person who worries too much and who's quick to hand-make a heartfelt card for a friend who's sad - or a grumpy, feeling-put-upon mom.

I have this card on my dresser that she made a year ago, proclaiming me amazing. It goes on to spell out why, at great length. The card wasn't even for Mother's Day. It was just because.

Now, I'm not delusional. I know there will be conflicts ahead. But so far, 13's good. Of course, it's only been one day.

Too many commuters are frustrated with the new Jerusalem smart card system for payment on the city’s buses and light rail. The process of placing the cards in the digital reader is time consuming, resulting in lines that exceed anything seen in the old days when one had a ticket punched or simply showed the driver a monthly pass as one walked by. Particularly time consuming is when one wishes to fill one’s card.

Seeking to resolve the situation and improve service, Jerusalem official Kobi Mamalia has given the order to the company contracted to carry out the Geula neighborhood improvement program to run electric lines under the new sidewalks to protrude adjacent to bus stops. The hope is that in the future, after the bus stops are set in place, alongside will be digital smart card readers that will permit filling a smart card outside of the bus, similar to the machines at stops along the Jerusalem light rail route.

Mamalia hopes to have these units placed at bus stops in other areas of the city as well. Behind the plan stands Councilman Shlomo Rubinstein, who explains that in the next phase of the program, he hopes passengers will be able to pay for a ride prior to boarding a bus, which would be a major time save for passengers. This however is also contingent on the approval of the Ministry of Transportation.

Pembagian E-KTP di Jawa Barat Kacau

Pemerintah daerah di Jawa Barat membagikan kartu tanda penduduk elektronik (e-KTP) belum lama ini. Namun, pembagian KTP yang berlaku secara nasional itu bermasalah karena dinilai terlambat, tidak merata, dan ada yang ditarik biaya.

Padahal Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi menegaskan, pembuatan dan pengambilan e-KTP tanpa dipungut biaya.

Lilis (30), bukan nama sebenarnya, warga Kampung Pasirtukul, Desa Cileunyi Wetan, Kecamatan Cileunyi, Kabupaten Bandung, mengaku kesal saat pengambilan e-KTP di tempatnya. Untuk mengambil dan mengaktifkan e-KTP itu ia harus mengeluarkan biaya Rp 6.000.

"Waktu membuat saja sudah membayar Rp 3.000. Dan sekarang masih diminta Rp 6.000. Katanya buat e-KTP itu gratis. Di tempat suami saya di Kabupaten Sumedang saja tidak dipungut biaya waktu mengambilnya. Hanya pas membuatnya membayar Rp 2.000," kata Lilis kepada Tribun melalui ponselnya, Minggu (17/2) pagi.

Hal serupa dialami Melisa, juga bukan nama sebenarnya, warga Kecamatan Jatiwangi,We have become one of the worlds most recognised Ventilation system brands. Kabupaten Majalengka. Menurut dia, pengambilan e-KTP tidak gratis walaupun itu memang bukan biaya wajib. "Mereka minta seridonya aja," ujarnya ketika dihubungi Tribun melalui ponselnya, kemarin.

Adiknya, yang lebih dulu mengambil e-KTP, sempat memenuhi permintaan itu meski hanya bernilai Rp 5.Basics, technical terms and advantages and disadvantages of Laser engraver.000. Namun, kata Melisa, permintaan "seridonya" tidak hanya tertuju kepada adiknya,Solar Sister is a network of women who sell solar lamp to communities that don't have access to electricity. tapi hampir ke setiap orang yang mengambil e-KTP.

Uang itu, ucapnya, masuk ke kantong sang pegawai pengurus e-KTP alias bukan biaya administrasi resmi. Ia pun menilai permintaan "seridonya" itu sebagai bentuk pungutan liar. "Mau enggak mau kan pasti orang ngasih," kata Melisa.

Melisa juga mengeluh lantaran pembuatan e-KTP memakan waktu terlalu lama. Melisa memasukkan data e-KTP pada Desember 2011, tapi baru jadi pekan lalu. Itu pun setelah perempuan itu menulis surat pembaca.

"Saya diberi tahu keluarga bahwa e-KTP saya jadi," ujarnya. Keluarganya tahu tentang e-KTP itu melalui pengumuman yang ditempelkan pada tembok-tembok di sekitar tempat tinggalnya.

Ia tak sendirian saat mendaftarkan data-data e-KTP pada akhir tahun 2011,We specializes in rapid plastic injection mould and molding of parts for prototypes and production. tapi bersama keluarga satu rumahnya. Namun, anggota keluarganya yang lain lebih dulu menerima e-KTP. Awalnya, Melisa sabar menunggu, tetapi ia sangat membutuhkan e-KTP ketika KTP reguler yang ia miliki kedaluwarsa.

Perempuan yang bekerja di Bandung itu mengaku, awalnya, untuk mengetahui nasib e-KTP miliknya, ia mengorbankan pekerjaannya untuk datang ke Majalengka. "Saya mencoba konfirmasi ke Kadus (kepala dusun), tapi jawabannya 'yang lain juga banyak yang belum jadi, tunggu aja," kata Melisa.

Kemudian, ia meminta bantuan keluarganya untuk mencari kabar soal e-KTP-nya agar tak banyak meninggalkan pekerjaan. Melisa enggan membuat KTP sementara dan memilih tetap menunggu e-KTP. "Saya tunggu e-KTP karena untuk membuat KTP sementara cukup mahal biayanya," katanya.

Biaya pembuatan KTP sementara itu, kata dia, senilai Rp 40.000. Ia mengetahui angka itu dari adiknya yang ingin membuat KTP sementara.

Di Garut, sejumlah warga mengeluh karena tidak kunjung menerima e-KTP. Padahal, data diri mereka telah direkam untuk pembuatan e-KTP tahun lalu. Sejumlah warga pun mengeluhkan kesalahan peneraan data pada e-KTP yang diterimanya.

Wildan Fadillah (25), warga Kampung Sanding, Kelurahan Muarasanding, Kecamatan Garutkota, mengaku telah melakukan perekaman data e-KTP Oktober 2012. Wildan dijanjikan akan menerima e-KTP pada Desember 2012.

"Tapi sampai Februari ini e-KTP belum saya terima. Padahal, ibu dan kakak saya sudah menerima e-KTP, Januari 2013. Kenapa tidak bareng menerimanya. Padahal difotonya juga bareng," kata Wildan saat ditemui di rumahnya, Rabu (13/2).

Hal itu pun dialami istri Wildan, Mutia Dwi (23), yang masih tercatat sebagai warga Kampung Nagrakkulon, Desa Mangkurakyat, Kecamatan Cilawu. Mutia belum menerima e-KTP miliknya walaupun telah direkam datanya pada April 2012.

"Hampir setahun ya saya belum terima e-KTP. Di keluarga, ibu dan kakak saya yang sudah menerima. Sedangkan saya dan bapak saya belum menerima.Have a look at all our custom bobbleheads models starting at 59.90US$ with free proofing. Kami bikin e-KTP-nya barengan padahal," kata Mutia.

Walaupun kakaknya telah menerima e-KTP, ujarnya, peneraan tanggal lahir kakaknya pada e-KTP salah. Dalam kartu tersebut tertulis kakaknya lahir pada 8 Februari. Padahal, seharusnya 28 Februari. Saat bertanya kepada aparat desa, ucapnya, Mutia tidak mendapat jawaban yang memuaskan.

Camat Garutkota, Nurdin Yana, mengatakan terdapat sekitar 700 warga yang mengembalikan e-KTP-nya ke kantor kecamatan. Sebab, terdapat kesalahan data pada e-KTP yang diterima warga.

"Ada yang salah nama, alamat, tanggal lahir, tertukar fotonya, bahkan ada yang salah agama. Kami baru bisa mengumpulkannya karena belum ada alat untuk merevisinya. Perintahnya pun belum jelas," kata Nurdin.

Kerusakan pun dialami e-KTP milik Nurdin. Saat dimasukkan ke dalam smartcard, kata Nurdin, e-KTP miliknya tidak bisa memunculkan data dirinya. Sedangkan, penyerahan e-KTP kepada warga masih dalam proses sampai akhir Oktober 2013.

Ketua Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) Cileunyi Wetan, Ahmad Sobar, membantah bahwa pengambilan dan pengaktifan e-KTP dipungut biaya. "Tidak ada dasar dari pemerintah untuk memungut biaya kepada warga yang akan mengatifkan e-KTP dan membuat e-KTP. Semuanya itu gratis," ujar Ahmad kemarin.

Di Ciamis, sejak dicanangkan perekaman e-KTP pada 28 Oktober 2011 sampai Rabu (13/2) tercatat 1.046.724 warga yang sudah melakukan perekaman. Sebanyak 1.003.362 lembar e-KTP sudah dicetak. Hasil penyortiran, ditemukan 2.746 e-KTP yang rusak dan sudah dikembalikan ke Kemendagri, tapi belum ada penggantinya.

Sekdis Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Ciamis, Drs Hendar Suhendar, mengatakan, 102.704 lembar e-KTP yang belum diambil pemiliknya adalah e-KTP hasil perekaman massal sampai 31 April 2012 lalu. E-KTP yang belum diambil tersebut sudah didistribusikan ke kantor desa/kelurahan atau ada yang masih disimpan di kantor kecamatan.

Beachwood will realize up to $850,000 per year in payroll taxes

The large Eaton Center Campus at Chagrin Highlands, off Richmond Road, is now occupied.

About 700 employees from Eaton’s facilities in downtown Cleveland, its learning and technology center in Willoughby Hills, and its telecommunications center in Eastlake moved to the 53-acre site beginning the week of Feb.We have become one of the worlds most recognised Ventilation system brands. 4.

“Our new Eaton Center reflects our commitment to the continued growth of our global power management business, to our people and to northeast Ohio,” said Eaton Chairman and CEO Alexander M. Cutler in a release.

The aerospace, electrical, hydraulics and vehicle business has approximately 1,800 employees at 10 Cleveland-area locations.

It was in 2009 that Eaton purchased the Beachwood site on land that was owned by the city of Cleveland. The two cities will split municipal tax revenue from the facility as Eaton Center was built in a joint economic development district.

Beachwood Finance Director David Pfaff said the exact figure is not yet known, but that Beachwood will realize $600,000-$850,000 in annual payroll tax money from Eaton. In accordance with that job creation tax deal, Beachwood will get more money once the total tax monies accumulate to $10 million, or the 15-year deal limit is reached.

“I suspect we’ll reach $10 million before we reach 15 years,” Pfaff said.

Economic Development Director James Doutt said it is not precisely known the impact that the influx of Eaton’s employees will have on the local economy.

“We’ve been working for a number of years to make the Eaton Center a reality,” Doutt said. “We welcome them. It will be a positive impact they have on our city and economy.”

Doutt said it is not known whether Eaton Center will eventually house more employees, but added, “Part of their plan was to have room to grow.”

Eaton Center had been at 1111 Superior Ave. in Cleveland since 1984. According to a release, Eaton sought a new location that would provide a highly interactive,Basics, technical terms and advantages and disadvantages of Laser engraver. energy-efficient campus environment that allows the company to attract and retain a quality workforce.

“I want to thank the state leaders, Beachwood officials and the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority for their involvement and insights in the construction of our new facility,” Cutler stated. “The new Eaton Center campus underlines the pride in our heritage and the confidence in our future.”

Since 2009, Eaton has grown from an $11.9-billion company, to one valued at the close of 2012 at $16.3 billion. Its employee roster has grown in that time from 70,000, to 103,000. The company sells products to customers in 175 countries.

The new Eaton Center was designed to consume 40 percent less energy and 40 percent less water than a conventional building of its scale.

None of the three leading candidates in the race offer any real solutions to traffic and transport problems, the experts told a Bangkok Post special forum.

Three experts were invited to appraise the campaign pledges of Pheu Thai candidate Pongsapat Pongcharoen, Democrat candidate Sukhumbhand Paribatra and independent candidate Pol Gen Sereepisuth Temeeyaves _ particularly those relating to traffic, transport, city planning and the environment.

Saksit Chalermpong, an assistant professor at Chulalongkorn University, said the Pheu Thai candidate has made promises he is unlikely to deliver.

He said several proposals by Pol Gen Pongsapat do not fall under the authority of the governor's office, such as the candidate's pledge to ensure stricter enforcement of traffic regulations. Traffic police do not report to City Hall, but to the Royal Thai Police.Solar Sister is a network of women who sell solar lamp to communities that don't have access to electricity.

Mr Saksit said the candidates have been reluctant to tackle problems head-on. Some have floated fanciful ideas such as building a skywalk to substitute for pavements which are crowded due to the presence of street vendors.

The collective feeling of many of those who work for or receive funding from the federal government can be summed up in one word: Ouch.

Whether it's the military, Las Cruces Public Schools, New Mexico State University or even small business owners who count on government-backed loans, a lot of people are keeping their eyes on what the White House and Congress do or don't do by March 1. That's when steep federal budget cuts — known as sequestration — are set to take place if no deal is reached to delay or amend them.We specializes in rapid plastic injection mould and molding of parts for prototypes and production.

NMSU could see a cut of as much as $13 million; LCPS could see a step back in federal funding of about $2 million; the city of Las Cruces could potentially lose $1 million or more.

Those are estimates based on federal funding levels and the proposed cuts. Still, no one knows for sure what the hit would be, or if the cuts even take place.

"It is not possible to know until the various federal agencies decide exactly how they are going to implement the cuts," said Jim Peach, economist at NMSU.

Non-defense discretionary spending is scheduled to be cut 8.Have a look at all our custom bobbleheads models starting at 59.90US$ with free proofing.2 percent, Peach's colleague at NMSU, Chris Erickson. But exactly how that impacts specific institutions is difficult to predict.


The unavoidable solitude: dealing with loneliness at university

Undoubtedly university is one of the best opportunities people can get at meeting new people. It is full of people from all walks of life, all backgrounds, different interests and different beliefs. It is also one of the easiest environments to meet people. Everyone converging on one location all in the same situation, wanting to make new friends and so naturally it takes much less effort to meet new people especially if you are in first year.We are one of the leading manufacturers of solar street light in Chennai India.

Even for second and third years, there are a wealth of opportunities to meet new people through societies and clubs. However, even when surrounded by all these different people all of the time, all of us will feel lonely at some point. It’s the strangest kind of loneliness because it is hard to explain and hard to describe but nevertheless it is there.

For me, university has been one of the best things to happen to me. It has given me confidence in myself, it has given me some incredible friends, helped me discover interests I didn’t know I had and allowed my old interests a chance to flourish. Despite this, there have been moments of feeling very isolated for all sorts of reasons, be they relationships, friendships, work or any of the other massive stresses university life puts on people.

University, for most people, is their first real taste of independence and being in control of oneself. It is exciting, yet terrifying. So when things go wrong, it is so easy just to blame yourself and isolate yourself which is when the loneliness kicks in. Then when people ask what’s wrong and the answer is “I feel lonely”, it can be difficult to explain. These pressures can become so overwhelming that it is easy to get swallowed up in them. Sometimes they can be dealt with and other times you may just want to hide away. It’s not a feeling that can be ignored, because it can spread and consume even more of your life.

So how do you deal with a feeling that is so difficult to explain? It is tough, but everyone goes through it at some point; everyone will feel either lonely or homesick in some way whilst they are university. This means they can sympathise, and so it’s best just to explain as much as is possible and talk it out, no matter how ridiculous or unfounded the feelings may seem. There are multitudes of reasons why people can feel lonely outside of the obvious ones of relationships and friends. A person can have all the friends in the world, but still feel like something is missing.

Talking about it helps to identify what it is that is missing, or at the very least it can be cathartic and release some of the pent-up stress. Smaller, simpler ways can also be found. Sometimes, it is the little things that make the difference: going for a run, watching a film, listening to music or pretty much anything you enjoy. Talking may not always help for some people; instead,Shop for bobblehead dolls from the official NBC Universal Store and build a fun collection for your home or office. it is better just to be distracted by interests and even work (if that is not the source of the problem). The best healer of all is time – be distracted for a few days and spend time with people, and eventually it will go away or calm down.

If this is not the case, then the university has a massive array of support that goes beyond loneliness and can help with more serious cases. This is university, the best time to meet people, and an experience that should not be regretted.

The academic conversation on MOOCs is starting to polarise in exactly the talking-past-one-another way that so many complex conversations evolve: with very smart points on either side, but not a lot of recognition that the validity of certain key points on one side does not undermine the validity of certain key points on the other.

I regret this flattening of online learning into a simple binary of ‘politically and financially motivated greed’ on the one hand and ‘an opportunity to find out more about learning’ on the other. Some of both in different situations can be true.

It's always hard to be able to hold two complex and even contradictory ideas in one's mind at once but, well, that's life. Both can be true. And there is so much to be gained from a sustained conversation on every side and from each side's learning from the other, without assuming the other side is being naive or callous in its concerns.

Here's a case in point: although I've not done a data count, I would say that, about a year ago, the majority of articles on higher education in the mass media in the US ran the gamut from snide to extremely negative, often spring-boarding off entrepreneur Peter Thiel's offering cash rewards to students choosing not to go to college.

The rhetoric of so many articles seemed to be "is higher education really worth it?" These articles (I bet there were dozens if not hundreds) were often filled with hard data about the soaring costs of higher education and horrific student debt pitted against anecdotes of unemployment among the college educated.

It was virtually a meme; that if you are fool enough to go to college, you end up deeper in debt and unemployed and therefore college isn't worth it. The tone in the press emphasised that latter point, demeaning the importance of higher education, laughing slyly at anyone who thinks higher education is a worthy goal.

Enter massive open online courses: MOOCs. Whatever else one may think about MOOCS, their vast popularity proves,Laser engraving and laser laser cutting machine for materials like metal, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that very many people want – really, really want – more not less higher learning.

Has anyone else noticed that the tone of the conversation has now shifted from "is college worth it?" to "how can we make necessary, important, invaluable learning available to the widest number of people for the lowest cost?" I certainly have.

Those who hate MOOCs and reduce them solely to a device of the neoliberal rich to diminish the role of the tenured professor,Learn how an embedded microprocessor in a smart card can authenticate your computer usage and data. should at least be using the vast popularity of online courses to argue the value of a college education. It's demonstrable.Like most of you, I'd seen the broken china mosaic decorated pieces. It's massive.

And those same people who see MOOCs as a way to diminish the role of the tenured professor (from both sides) should also be thinking about who is actually taking MOOCs.

Often, they are not the same students who sit in the classrooms of tenured professors, themselves a constantly diminishing percentage of all those who teach in higher education – a situation that existed long before MOOCs.

There is no evidence that students are dropping out of brick-and-mortar universities in droves in order to enrol in online courses. On the contrary, the typical online course student is someone who would not otherwise have access to higher education.

The ridiculous (and pernicious) University of Virginia trustees who forced a president to resign because she wasn't moving fast enough on MOOCs, as if that would drive down the tuition costs for the university’s elite public cadre of students, simply didn't know the numbers.

New York expanding nation’s biggest transit hub

Sixteen stories below Grand Central Terminal, an army of workers is blasting through bedrock to create a new commuter rail concourse with more floor space than New Orleans’ Superdome, just one of three audacious projects going on beneath New York City’s streets to expand what’s already the nation’s biggest mass transit system.

But even with blasting and machinery grinding through the rock day and night, most New Yorkers are blithely unaware of the construction or the eerie underworld that includes a massive, eight-story cavern, miles of tunnels and watery, gravel-filled pits.

“I look at it and I’m in wonder, I’m in awe,” says engineer Michael Horodniceanu, president of capital construction for the state Metropolitan Transportation Authority. “I feel like when I went to Rome and entered St. Peter’s Basilica for the first time. … I looked at it and said, ‘Wow, how did they do that?’”

In New York, they hauled out enough rocky debris from under Grand Central to cover Central Park almost a foot deep, Horodniceanu says.

Together, the three projects will cost an estimated $15 billion. And when they’re all completed, tentatively in 2019, they will bring subway and commuter rail service to vast, underserved stretches of the city, particularly the far East and West sides of Manhattan.

“They’ll be a game-changer for New Yorkers,” says Horodniceanu, an Israeli-educated native of Romania who lives in Queens.

The most dramatic project will result in a sort of 21st century, underground Grand Central Terminal mirroring the century-old Grand Central Terminal above —a 350,000-square-foot, $8.3 billion commuter rail concourse with six miles of new tunnels. It will accommodate Long Island Rail Road trains that now bypass Manhattan’s East Side as they roll east through Queens and straight to Pennsylvania Station on the island’s West Side.

This so-called East Side Access will bring about 160,000 passengers a day from Long Island to a new station in Queens’ Sunnyside neighborhood, then about five more miles to the new, eight-track Grand Central hub.

For now, the subterranean hub is a drippy, humid construction site. The raw, dark gray walls mark the dimensions of the future concourse — eight stories high, about 70 feet wide and 1,800 feet long, or about “five football fields, without the end zones,” Horodniceanu says.

The Federal Transit Administration is kicking in $2.7 billion toward the estimated $8.3 billion budget, with the MTA state agency covering the rest using mostly taxpayer money.

Also under construction is the Second Avenue Subway that eventually will serve Manhattan’s far East Side, from Harlem to the island’s southern tip. The planned eight miles of track will open Manhattan’s East Side to millions of people who now squeeze daily onto the Nos. 4, 5 and 6 subway trains running under Lexington Avenue.

The first phase — 1.7 miles with stations between East 63rd and East 96th streets — is to be completed in 2016 at a cost of $4.5 billion.

Finally, there’s the extension of the No. 7 subway line from Times Square to the huge new Hudson Yards real estate development on Manhattan’s Far West Side. The subway project will be financed through $2.1 billion worth of city-issued bonds.

The three mammoth projects require creative solutions and the latest technology.Like most of you, I'd seen the broken china mosaic decorated pieces. When crews prepared to drill the giant new cavity under Second Avenue, they first had to freeze the ground to about minus 20 degrees so as not to destabilize the buildings above as the boring machine cut through. For that, aluminum tubes were inserted from the street and a special chemical solution was poured into the ground and cooled by a refrigeration plant.

The Second Avenue tunnels hold a space-age surprise: The ceilings are coated with a material once used to fireproof the space shuttle.

The new line has another major improvement. Instead of ventilation grates that allow rainwater to pour in, the new stations will be aired using enclosed cooling plants. When Superstorm Sandy hit the city last October, floodwaters washing over the East Side did not penetrate subway construction sites.

“We’re using the best technology available today, but this is really people-intensive work,” says Horodniceanu, who supervises a team of thousands of workers on any given day.

“I feel I have the most exciting job in the world,” he says. “It’s an incredible feeling to be able to build a legacy project. I hope that one day, my grandchildren will be able to say their granddad built this!”

But again, what's most unique about the Surface Pro is its guts. The Surface Pro sports a dual-core 1.7GHz Intel Core i5 processor with integrated Intel HD 4000 graphics, 4GB of RAM, and either 64GB or 128GB of storage. This marks a significant boost over the RT, which is powered by an NVIDIA Tegra 3,Learn how an embedded microprocessor in a smart card can authenticate your computer usage and data. 2GB of RAM, and comes with 32GB or 64GB of storage. What's more, the screen is notably better, going from 1368x768 on the Surface RT to 1920x1080 on the Surface Pro — a 40-percent increase in pixel density.Shop for bobblehead dolls from the official NBC Universal Store and build a fun collection for your home or office.

The impact of the upgraded internals on performance and user experience is impressive. Seemingly gone are the frequently long load times, sluggish touchscreen responsiveness, and app freezes. While I have noticed some odd moments of slowdown in my early testing,Laser engraving and laser laser cutting machine for materials like metal, the Surface Pro is overall pretty stable and speedy.

As previously mentioned,We are one of the leading manufacturers of solar street light in Chennai India. the Surface Pro offers a full, unhindered build of Windows 8 and offers the full desktop experience found on a traditional PC. As a result, the Surface Pro is capable of accessing a wide range of PC titles through services like Steam and Origin. While certainly not intended as a gaming device, the integrated graphics processor allows the Surface Pro to run many games adeptly. While I've only just started stress-testing the system, I've found it can handle most Source Engine-based titles at max or high settings in native 1080p resolution at framerates well above 40fps. Naturally, it struggles with more taxing titles, like Saints Row: The Third or Dead Island, but I'll be providing a greater sense of its range of performance in the coming days.

Sales record set at Hallettsville Livestock Show

The 2013 Hallettsville Junior Livestock Show set a record with $288,000 in sales, said Hallettsville High School agriculture science teacher Terry Wick.

Tait Woytek led the way with the grand champion steer, selling it for $9,500 to Peoples State Bank, Carl Bozka, Pesek-Hermes Memorials, Kelly Mudd Equipment, Frank and Elrose Migl, Terrell Mullins, Ehler's Furniture & Appliance, Morton's Drive-in, Bohuslav Feed Mill, Jim Fairman, H&P Cattle Co., Hallettsville Livestock Commission, Janak Packing, Texan Motors, H-E-B, B&B Auto Works, Alfred's Produce, Brookshire Brothers, Simplot Grower Solutions and Shannon Haskell State Farm Insurance.A car parking system is a mechanical device that multiplies parking capacity inside a parking lot.

Cullen Mikes showed the grand champion hog. It sold for $3,700 to Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy, Georgia Bujnoch, Capital Farm Credit, Chuck Brown Ford, Colorado County Propane, Crimson Exploration,We are one of the leading manufacturers of solar street light in Chennai India. City Motors of Edna, Bill and Diane Mettlach, D-A-M Services, Diversified Business Systems of Victoria, Billy and Amy Gerke, Glaze Backhoe Services, Doug and Sheri Grahmann, Hermes & Steffek, Hochheim Prairie Insurance Branch No. 12, James Evans, Jo's Greenhut & Nursery, K&R Energy, Kirk Landman and kids, Lone Star Bank of Shiner, Frank Marek Trucking, McAda Drilling Fluids, Perez Painting of Moulton, Everett Ranger, Robert and Carol Rother, Dean and Brenda Schmidt, Splashway Family Waterpark,Like most of you, I'd seen the broken china mosaic decorated pieces. Stevens Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Texas Irrigation & Pipe, Tex Propane Co., The Inside Story, United Ag, Bill and Sue Walker and Whitley Lumber Co.

Kelsey Bohuslav had the grand champion lamb. It sold for $3,500 to Bohuslav Farm & Ranch, N.S. Petroleum Consulting, Jessie and Bethal Allen, Harvey and Karen Renger, Pesek-Hermes Memorials and Mortons' Drive-in.

The grand champion pen of broilers, exhibited by Kayla Valigura, sold for $3,000 to Gonzales Industrial Insulation.

Kelsey Steffek showed the reserve champion steer. It sold for $7,250 to Ainsworth Trucking, Alfred's Produce, Allen Machicek Service, Auto Brite Carwash, Bill and Dianna Mettlach, Boedeker Ag Supply, Bootsie and Barbara Grahmann, Chandler's Drilling, Clinton Lenzy Trucking, Clinton Hollas, Cole Theatre, Columbus Livestock Co., Curt's Carpeting & Design Center, Wilbert and Charlotte Dornak, Dale Nedeau Oil & Gas, David Kolacny Construction, 5-M Septic, E-Bar Feeds, Fehner & Sons Grain, Forrest Kroschel, Frontier Development, GeoSouthern Energy Corp., H-E-B - Yoakum, Hammer Auto Repair, Hallettsville Knights of Columbus No. 2433, Hallettsville Livestock Commission, Glen's Packing, Havenbrook Homes, Hallettsville Veterinary Hospital, Jared Long Land & Cattle Co., Jeff Matula Construction, Joyce and Mike Jackson, Jaeger's Inc. - John Deere, Jalisco Cafe & Bar, Lavaca Farm Equipment, Lyssy & Eckel Feeds, M&M Ranch, Paul's Supply, Rainosek's True Value, Ronnie Kolacny Surveying, Rudolph's - Yoakum, Sitka Cattle Co. and Victoria Oliver Co. - Kubota.

Allison Etzler showed the reserve champion hog. It sold for $3,699 to Bohuslav Farm & Ranch, Enterprise Hydrocarbons, GeoSouthern Energy Corp., Farmers Insurance,Parkeasy Electronics are dedicated to provide Car park management system. Lavaca County Propane, James Fenner and family, Dietze & Reese Attorneys, Barnes-Osborn & Associates, Bludau Fabrication, Brookshire Brothers, Chovanetz Insurance, Georgia Bujnoch, Glen's Packing, Hallettsville Lions Club, Hoffer's Drive-in, Lavaca County Propane, Lavaca Feed & Fertilizer, Leopold Insurance Agency, Jansky Sand & Gravel, Pats Service Center, UAS Resources, Wells Fargo Bank, Hallettsville Livestock Commission, Victor Roeber, Sacred Heart Federal Credit Union and Stevens Nursing & Rehabilitation Center.

The reserve champion lamb was exhibited by Olivia Bohuslav. It sold for $3,499. Buyers included Chovanetz Insurance Agency, Wayne and LeAnn Freytag, Grafe Chevrolet, Hallettsville Lumber Co., Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy, Bohuslav Farm & Ranch,Shop for bobblehead dolls from the official NBC Universal Store and build a fun collection for your home or office. Edward and Sandra Pustka, S Bar Ranch, Schulenburg Printing and Office Supply, Kolacny Surveying, Town & Country Appliance & Air Conditioning, Helping Hearts Sitter Service, Carleton and Judy Thompson, J.A. Loredo Properties, Tramer and Tammy Woytek, Hallettsville Communications, Chovanetz Brangus Ranch, All Out Ranch Improvements, Patek's Liquor, Tieken Charolais, Patrick and Rhonda Clemons, Williamsburg House, Morgan Portable Buildings & Spas and Advocare by Carol and Justin Powell.

Wendy has been a member of Kappa Zeta for three and a half years and came to the chapter when she and her husband moved to Lafayette in 2008. Prior to their move, they resided in Thibodeaux, where Wendy was a founding member of the Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi in Houma. While attending the 2009 District Convention in Lafayette, Wendy met the ladies of Kappa Zeta and transferred her Beta Sigma Phi membership to the local chapter in September of that year.

Wendy is married to Jonah Fuselier and is the mother of two children, Ian and Megan, and the stepmother of Katelyn Fuselier of Zachary. Originally from Lafayette, she is the daughter of Mike and Mikki McFaul of Breaux Bridge and is currently employed as an executive administrative assistant for an oil and gas geologist in Lafayette.

In addition to being a member of Beta Sigma Phi, Wendy serves as the Treasurer for Boy Scout Troop 162 at St. Edmond’s Catholic Church and is an active “Dance mom.” She is an excellent artist and enjoys oil painting and sewing.

Sue became an active member of Xi Delta Beta, the Erath Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, in November 1979. After moving in 1989 and living out of state for 23, she retired in January of 2012 from Prairie Life Fitness of Omaha, Nebraska, as Accounting Manager for three health clubs and moved back to Erath. In February of 2012, she immediately accepted the invitation to again become an active member of Xi Delta Beta, the Erath Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi.

In May of this year she will have been married to Marshall Thibodeaux for 42 years. Marshall retired from USDA-FSIS in 2012 after 24 years of service. They have three children: a daughter, Jeanne, married to Mark Roberts and they have three children, Liam and Logan, their “Angels in Heaven” and Rita Maryn who is seven years old; a daughter, Kimmon Halloran, who lives in Kansas City, Missouri with her daughter, 13-year-old Teryn Ann; and a son, Jonathan, and his wife, Jessica, live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with their one-year-old daughter MacKenzie Sloane.

Sue and her husband, Marshall, are members of the Erath Backers Club, 12 and Go, and America the Beautiful. They are enjoying retirement and travelling in their Fifth Wheel especially with their granddaughters. They enjoy being back home in Erath with their Louisiana and Zi Delta Beta family and friends.