
Unpaid overtime makes a sick joke of minister's plan

The NSW Health Minister, Jillian Skinner, wants to make cuts to a system that is already so stressed that patients spend up to a week in a ''transit'' unit (''Skinner takes axe to locums, overtime, but nurses exempt'', September 24). Hospitals are already under enormous amounts of pressure to reach performance targets or face funding cuts with no appreciable improvements in patient care at the coal face.

Enforced cuts to overtime payments will only further stress the system and those charged with the care of patients. Patients will still be there and still need care out of normal business hours. Local area health services will have to refuse to pay those who stay behind to ensure the welfare of their patients.

The system already leans heavily on the ''generosity'' of doctors, in particular junior doctors and medical registrars, who are caught in the position of not wanting to jeopardise future specialist training opportunities and even told that claiming unrostered overtime is unprofessional.

Cuts to the health system at a time when it is facing ever-increasing need will only compromise patient health and demoralise professional staff.

Jillian Skinner says she is protecting nurses' jobs but cutting overtime. There is already a lot of overtime that is not paid. It is supposed to be taken as time in lieu but the time off never eventuates. This overtime is being worked due to short staffing. Cutting overtime is not going to fix any problems, just make them worse.

NSW Health is offering nurses redundancies in the Hunter-New England area. I know experienced nurses who hope they will offer redundancies elsewhere as they want to get out.

Health system managers are bringing in assistants in nursing in community mental health now. These are staff with, maybe, a Certificate III from TAFE, working on crisis teams with people who may need admission to mental health hospitals. This is just plain dangerous. These inexperienced staff will not know what they are looking at and someone is going to get killed.

But the Costello report failed to consider whether a decade-old benchmark was appropriate.The M3 Parking assist system has been designed from the ground up to solve traditional car park problems and more. It didn't provide a detailed analysis of where growth had occurred, or consider the impact of particular policies (such as Queensland's introduction of an additional year of schooling to bring the state in line with the rest of Australia).Different Sizes and Colors can be made with different stone mosaic designs. And while citing one example of headcounts in health it ignored factors affecting demand for health services, such as an ageing citizenry.

The Newman government's acceptance of the Costello report's simplistic analysis may damage the lives of many Queensland families. The inevitable outsourcing of public services may benefit some of the Business Council's constituents.

But it's a bit rich for Westacott to pontificate about the need for higher standards in the public service when she repeats political slogans about smaller government, uncritically accepts the need for ''tough corrections'' in Queensland, and disregards basic facts.

Quebec corruption commission

The man who infiltrated the New York Mafia and inspired the movie Donnie Brasco is regaling Quebec’s corruption inquiry with tales about his years in the mob.

Joseph Pistone, a legendary FBI agent who spent six years undercover as a Mafia associate, told the Charbonneau Commission about the inner workings of the Mob in the United States during his testimony on Monday.

The commission is looking into criminal corruption in Quebec’s construction industry and its ties to organized crime and political parties.

So far, Pistone’s testimony has been about how he infiltrated the Mob while pretending to be a jewel thief. He has also discussed the ways of the underworld, including its moral codes and its list of offences that would get people killed.

He had just begun delving into ties between the New York families and their Canadian counterparts. Pistone referred to a killing of Mafia capos committed by a hit squad that included Montreal’s Vito Rizzuto, although he did not mention Rizzuto by name.

Pistone, now 73, is testifying under heavy security at the inquiry behind a screen.

Commission chair France Charbonneau has imposed a ban on the broadcasting or publication of any image of Pistone from Monday’s hearing. The ban does not extend to photos or footage taken in the past.

His testimony has focused so far on the six years that he spent undercover running with the Bonanno crime family in New York City, an unprecedented police operation that saw law enforcement get as close as it ever has to the Mafia.

Much of his testimony has been the subject of books Pistone himself has already written, as well as the 1997 Hollywood blockbuster “Donnie Brasco.”

He was pulled from the operation just as he was about to become a made man, Pistone said, with his bosses making the call to pull him out. He said he was disappointed to see the operation suspended.

“No one had ever gotten this close to a Mafia family,” Pistone said.

“My argument that was we’re going to embarrass them by having an undercover with them for all these years, can you imagine if it comes out they inducted an FBI agent?”

Pistone’s undercover work led to some 20 trials and 200 convictions across the U.S. But the Bonanno clan continues to exist to this day, Pistone says, and still has strong ties to groups in Montreal as it did when he was embedded.

Pistone’s testimony at the Charbonneau commission is intended to help the inquiry better understand the murky world of the Mafia as a whole.Different Sizes and Colors can be made with different stone mosaic designs.

Other witnesses testified last week about how Mafia families function.

Honour and loyalty are key, Pistone said. Orders to underlings are to be carried out without question — even when the order is to kill someone. There is no debating or discussing such things, he said.

“Your sworn allegiance is to your Mafia family: it’s your Mafia family, then your regular family, then your church and country,” Pistone said.

“But your first allegiance is to that family that you’re a part of.”

Pistone, who assumed the Brasco identity during his undercover days in the mid-1970s and early 1980s, is still hiding from the Mafia as a result of his old career.

A self-described “street guy” who became famous when he struck at the heart of New York’s notorious organized crime families,The M3 Parking assist system has been designed from the ground up to solve traditional car park problems and more. the former FBI undercover agent’s story enthralled moviegoers when it was chronicled in the 1997 movie Donnie Brasco, starring Johnny Depp.

Usually, Pistone shuns the limelight — and for good reason.

The Mob put a $500,Here's a complete list of oil painting supplies for the beginning oil painter.000 bounty on his head after he skilfully infiltrated their ranks, posing as a bar-hopping jewel thief between 1976 and 1981.

Even the FBI, where he’s a legend, only has an old, blurry surveillance photo of him on its website where it describes his pioneering undercover work.

Pistone, who says his insinuation into the Bonanno and Colombo crime families led to 200 convictions at 20 different trials, rarely sticks his head up. When he does, it’s with his appearance altered and under tight security.

He lives under an assumed name in an undisclosed location and has a licence to pack a gun.

A consultant to the justice system, he has written several books, both fiction and non-fiction, including a novel with the son of Mob kingpin Joe Bonanno.

Pistone was such a good undercover agent that surveillance teams from the FBI and New York City police, who weren’t in the loop, had Brasco listed as an associate of the Bonannos.

The Bonanno family has been linked to Montreal’s Rizzutos — and it’s unclear whether Pistone’s testimony will delve into those ties. Quebec’s Charbonneau inquiry is examining corruption in the construction industry and its connection to politics and organized crime. Pistone began with a detailed description of how he infiltrated the Mafia and faced potential threats to his life, from the get-go.

“What I have to do is give you the mindset of gangsters,” he testified, “and how they operate.”

After they were arrested, Mob kingpins were stunned when FBI agents told them whom they had befriended. The man who had brought Pistone into the Mob was later found murdered.

The FBI has warned Mob chieftains that anyone who harms Pistone will face the bureau’s wrath.

“It’s not the wiseguys I’m most worried about,” Pistone told National Geographic News in 2005.

“They respect me. They know I just did my job. I never entrapped anyone, never got them to do something they wouldn’t have done anyway.

History lessons

Ruthie Blum, former senior editor and columnist for The Jerusalem Post, was halfway through writing a book on what she sees as the Carter administration’s responsibility for the results of the Islamic Revolution in Iran,We offer over 600 landscape oil paintings at wholesale prices of 75% off retail. when the Arab Spring was ignited by a man who set himself on fire in Tunisia. The unfolding reality shifted the focus of her book from Jimmy Carter’s term as president to analyzing the worldviews of Carter and current US President Barack Obama, and the links between them.

According to Blum, who was inspired to write To Hell in a Handbasket: Carter, Obama and the Arab Spring, by the publication of Carter’s book Peace Not Apartheid, the Obama administration is repeating mistakes made by the Carter administration,Parking lots and garages parking management system by Pro Park offering parking management services and parking lot and garage management. with a significant difference: during Carter’s tenure, “there had not yet been a precedent of radical Islamic regimes on which to base American policy. Obama doesn’t have that excuse.”

Blum sees Carter’s views, as expressed in Peace Not Apartheid, as a “form of knee-jerk radicalism veiled in phony ‘human rights’ terminology.” The worst mistake a US president can make – and of which she finds Obama guilty – is “to ‘understand’ why others hate his country.”

“This,” she argues, “conveys the message that they are right to harbor such feelings. It also perpetuates a false and dangerous notion that the cultures, ideologies, and religions of others would miraculously change if only countries like the United States and Israel would alter their own behavior. This is nonsense that has been proven, time and again, to have no basis whatsoever in reality. Enemies do not need to be courted and cajoled; they need to be defeated.”

Unlike those who were enchanted by the street protests of the Arab Spring across the Middle East, Blum asserts that “partly because I actually live in the Middle East, [I] don’t tend to translate the statements and actions of Arabs into some watered-down version of America-speak. When Tunisians, Egyptians, Libyans and Syrians take to the streets and scream for blood, it doesn’t ring like the desire for freedom and democracy.”

She says Obama’s speech to the Muslim world in Cairo was “groveling” and sees “his shameless abandonment of the Iranian counter-revolutionaries, who took to the streets after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stole the June 2009 election” as a “most blatant act of encouraging radical Islamists.”

What links Obama and Carter is “a dim view of American power, greatness, and exceptionalism.”

Obama and Carter “also share an affinity for – even a romanticizing of – the Third World, and believe that if it weren’t for countries like the United States and Israel, everybody in the world would be happily prospering and free of racism.”

Blum also accuses Obama for negotiating with Iran instead of using more forceful measures – such as an overt threat of military action.An Air purifier is a device which removes contaminants from the air. In this sense, she ties the events in Iran during the presidencies of Carter and now of Obama into one long chain of events, from the fall of the Shah to Iran’s edging closer and closer to acquiring nuclear weapons.

“Prior to, during, and in the aftermath of [the 2009 Iranian] election, the Obama administration kept asserting that it would negotiate with any leader to emerge.Find trusted sellers and the cheapest price for Aion Kinah. Well, that’s about the only issue on which that administration has been true to its word.SICK's ultrasonic sensor use sound to accurately detect objects and measure distances. Since then, it has been conducting pointless, fruitless meetings with Iranian regime representatives, in order to persuade them not to enrich uranium for military purposes.”

The time difference between Washington, DC and Tehran is 8.5 hours, a few less than it takes to fly from one capital city to the other. But for all Jimmy Carter seemed to know during his first three years in the White House, Iran may as well have been on Mars. And for all he came to understand during his fourth and final one, it was simply yet another among a long list of countries with legitimate grievances against the super-power whose past mistakes he, as its leader, was determined to rectify.

This is not to say that Carter – a peanut farmer from Georgia who became governor of his state and rose out of nowhere to become America’s 39th president – was unaware of Iran’s strategic significance. On the contrary, theoretically as much a Cold Warrior as his predecessors, Carter considered any state allied with the US to be crucial in the fight to fend off Soviet aggression. Iran under the Peacock Throne of Pahlavi had been just such an ally for decades. Carter not only knew this, but paid lip service to it on more than one occasion.

Still, as the Islamic Revolution that would oust the Shah in favor of Khomeini began to foment, Carter and his administration were looking the other way. Then, when they finally did realize what was happening, they went so far as to imagine that it could turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

This “blessing” he initially imagined took the form of an interim government, headed by Shapour Bakhtiar. Bakhtiar had been put in place by the Shah prior to his departure for Egypt. He seemed like a good choice for prime minister, since he had been part of the anti-Shah resistance, but also a reformist, and thus might be acceptable to all sides. And though it was Bakhtiar who allowed Khomeini to return to Iran, ordered the SAVAK disbanded, and freed all political prisoners, the ayatollah considered him a traitor for accepting an appointment from the Shah and deemed his government illegitimate and illegal. Unable to garner support from Khomeini or the Iranian masses, Bakhtiar would last only 36 days in his post.

Hands off our homes

Today the average deposit on a home across the UK has reached 65,000.An Air purifier is a device which removes contaminants from the air. In London it is 100,000. We have reached the point in Britain where it is simply impossible for people to buy a home without significant help from their parents, grandparents or some other benefactor. For many others whose family do not own their home or who do not have a stash of assets, and in particular the nearly one in five who live in council or other social housing, the door may well now be firmly closed on the possibility of future home ownership.

This is not a result of the cuts. There has been a long-term decline in the affordability of housing, the legacy of many years of both Conservative and Labour majority governments. The average deposit needed on a home has risen tenfold since 1990, while incomes have risen only three times.

Liberal Democrats are therefore energetically exploring new ideas to increase access to housing. Nick Clegg's announcement on Sunday that we will work out how parents and grandparents can use other assets such as pension funds to help fund first purchases by their young people is hugely welcome. But we must also increase the supply. The motion on housing being debated at the party conference on Wednesday calls for government to use other untapped sources of finance, such as giving councils new ways to borrow against their Housing Revenue Account in order to stimulate a major housebuilding programme.

Dealing with land banks by imposing use-it-or-lose-it planning permission, or the long-held Liberal policy of land value taxation, will free up land we need to build on. But I am clear that many of these measures to improve the supply of housing will be ineffective unless we also look at the demand created by second homes and the massive influx of foreign capital into the housing market.

Far too much of our housing is being bought by foreign investors who have no intention of occupying these properties. They simply use the investment as a safe haven for their money and profit from the ever-rising land value.SICK's ultrasonic sensor use sound to accurately detect objects and measure distances. In London, 60% of new housing last year was bought by foreign investors – a misallocation of an increasingly scarce resource on an unacceptable scale. And this is not just a London problem. Cornwall and the Lake District are seeing young people priced out of their own communities as the wealthy buy up housing to use for a few days a year.

Local authorities should be able to introduce optional-use clauses to prevent housing from being bought unless it is going to be lived in. Doing this would greatly help to stop the never-ending upward spiral of house prices and redirect investment to productive places rather than empty spaces.Wouldn't it be wonderful if when we walked through central London or the communities of South Lakeland in any week of the year we saw vibrant streets filled with people rather than empty streets and empty housing?

But no matter how much we improve access to home ownership there will always be some people for whom home ownership is just not appropriate,We offer over 600 landscape oil paintings at wholesale prices of 75% off retail. desirable or possible. Many will be in need of social housing: These people often make an extremely important contribution to our society.Parking lots and garages parking management system by Pro Park offering parking management services and parking lot and garage management.Find trusted sellers and the cheapest price for Aion Kinah. they may be in jobs that are essential but pay little, or they may be out of work for long periods because they are carers or sick or disabled. They should have as much opportunity as anyone else to live near to their employment, children's school, family and friends.

To achieve this every community needs a diverse mix of housing, principally planned to meet community need rather than simply market demand. That is why Liberal Democrats across the country should oppose those councils, such as Southwark, who sell their more valuable housing in order to fund the building of new council housing somewhere else. Such a policy will create ghettos. In London it would gradually wipe out social housing from large parts of our capital city and create unacceptable physical divisions in our community.

Liberal Democrats believe that, even in these very tough times, all people in Britain should get as fair a deal as possible. Ending the appalling inequalities in access to housing is key to achieving this.