
Local solar firms confident despite industry challenges

Ayear after a U.S. senator said northwest Ohio's solar-panel industry was helping the state to become known as "the Silicon Valley of clean energy," industry experts predict the global industry will undergo a major shakeout that will break all but a handful of solar panel producers worldwide.

The bold forecast raises questions about the future of the Toledo area's three panel makers, with one more coming next year.welcome to order china Wholesale Skirtting Tiles For Bathrooms.

Each of the firms with local operations -- First Solar Inc., Xunlight Corp., Willard & Kelsey Group LLC, and, building a plant in Napoleon, Isofoton North America -- contends it makes a particular type of panel that is in demand and is competitively priced, so it will survive any industry consolidation.,Wholesale Small Size Wall Tiles For Kitchen for sale nude oil painting art

The chief executive of China's Trina Solar Ltd., the world's fifth-largest solar panel maker, predicted recently that by 2015 two-thirds of the industry's solar-related companies will face mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcy.

And by 2020, Jifan Gao said, just 15 solar firms will be left -- five each in of three major segments: photovoltaic (solar) panels, solar energy-absorbing wafers and ingots, and production of raw materials such as polysilicon, the most commonly used material in solar panel manufacturing.

Jeffrey Pichel, an industry analyst at Jefferies & Co., has forecast a consolidation of the industry for three years.

"It's not so revolutionary an idea," he said. Already, three large U.S. solar companies -- Solyndra LLC, Evergreen Solar, and SpectraWatt -- have gone bankrupt. A fourth, BP Solar, halted manufacturing in the spring.

Fitch Ratings Ltd. said recently that solar power companies are likely to encounter tough conditions for their public stock, and First Solar, the world's largest maker of thin-film panels, said competitors are "desperate" to sell inventory after adding too much factory capacity, leading to a supply glut.

Bloomberg News reported last month that First Solar executive James Brown said at a conference in India, "Not everyone who is playing today is going to be around in two to three years."

Mike Cicak,Media in category "Wholesale Rock Porcelain Tiles For Floor of cityscapes". chief executive of Willard & Kelsey, said every industry goes through consolidation. "The key is whoever's going to be the lowest cost producers are going to survive. That's the long and the short of it. And we think we're one of the lowest-cost producers.Custom Wholesale Metal Tiles For Countertops From China Manufacturers from photos by our painting"

He said he expects the industry to grow, with many homes using solar panels as the cheapest form of providing electricity.

Still, he added, "Those who say there'll be a shakeout, they're' not wrong. There's going to be a big shakeout."

The biggest presence in the Toledo area is a 1,200-employee plant in Perrysburg Township that is owned by Toledo-born First Solar,Other high-end car brands Wholesale Tiles Cutting For Countertops that have broached the watch market include Ferrari and Aston Martin which is now based in Tempe, Ariz. A large portion of its panel production is exported.

Xunlight, based in Toledo, has a panel-making factory with 60 employees.

Willard & Kelsey, a start-up still not in full production, has 100 employees in Perrysburg.

And Isofoton is building a plant in Napoleon that it plans to open in 2012 and plans eventually to create 330 jobs.

Ill. man says hid $13K in suit donated to Goodwill

Charity workers hunted through piles of donated clothes at an Iowa warehouse Wednesday, hoping to find $13,000 that an elderly man says he mistakenly left in the pocket of a suit he gave to a Goodwill store in western Illinois.

The 80-year-old Illinois man notified Goodwill of the Heartland last week of his mistake, said Dana Engelbert, vice president of marketing for the charity. Engelbert said the man's wife has cancer and they had been using the money to offset her medical expenses.

"It's his life savings and he's in a difficult situation right now," Engelbert told The Associated Press Wednesday.

She said the gray suit was donated to a store in Moline, Ill. It may have been sold at the store, or could have been sent with other clothing to a regional Goodwill warehouse in Iowa City, where non-seasonal items are sent for storage, she said.WebMD provides an overview of Wholesale Glaze Tiles For Wall disease

The man wasn't sure when he made the donation, but Goodwill workers were checking back through all clothes dropped off since the last week of October. Engelbert said it was no easy task: more than 575,000 items have been donated in the past year to the Goodwill chapter, which covers southeast Iowa and western Illinois.

Engelbert did not know how many bills may have been in the suit jacket, or the denominations of the cash,Big pool of Wholesale Polished Stair Tiles For Floor From China Manufacturers. but she said the lumps could easily go unnoticed considering the volume of items donated to the charity.

As word of the man's plight spread, Goodwill has been inundated with calls and emails from people offering assistance.

"It's been extremely heartwarming, the number of people reaching out to help," Engelbert said. "The phone at the Moline store rang almost nonstop with people calling about it, and I've received emails from as far away as Germany."

But the man and his family are declining all offers of financial assistance and have asked that they not be identified, Engelbert said.

"Our family would like to thank each and every one of you that have come forward wanting to make a donation to my father for the money he has lost," the man's daughter said in a statement provided to WQAD-TV in Moline.

"We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity from around the world. My father's wishes are to respectfully decline any donations of any kind. He only wanted someone to come forward with the money he gave away by mistake," she said.

The family is offering a $1,000 reward for the return of the money,,Wholesale Rustic porcelain For Countertops From China Manufacturers for sale nude oil painting art Engelbert said.Large selection of Wholesale Linen For Kitchen

It's not unusual for people to find money in donated clothes and return it to the store, but typically no more than $5, Engelbert said.

"We do whatever we can to return it to the owner whenever possible," she said. Any unclaimed money usually ends up in the organization's general operating fund, she said.a general reference guide for Wholesale Tile decoration For Floor From China Manufacturers design engineers.

Gallery 55 in Natick is on a mission

As founder of a downtown art gallery, John Mottern sometimes seems a bit of an alchemist.

For the first three exhibits to be shown simultaneously in his recently expanded Gallery 55, Mottern and co-owner Anet James are featuring striking and original art made from cotton, silver and an enflamed imagination.

Three very different artists opened exhibits last week, creating distinctive works that explore the boundaries of their varied materials.

In her appropriately titled "Cotton Song," Lauren S. Langevin is showing 15 textiles and quilts that combine meticulous craftsmanship with intricate designs.People who take up yoga can noticeable Wholesale Mosaic Tiles For Wall due to the fact The lifelong Natick resident said she "uses fabric like oil paint so people don't always notice the quilting in my quilts."

As if signaling his interest in nature's hidden forces, Gedas Paskauskas named his exhibit of small and monumental oil paintings "Tides & Sky." Starting from sketches of real places, the Boston artist imbues remembered landscapes with his own feelings.We have our own Wholesale Solid Color Glaze Tiles For Kitchen gallery

The gallery's first artist-in-residence, silversmith John Harwood shapes bars, sheets and bits of wire into delicately wrought necklaces, bracelets and earrings with sausage-sized calloused fingers. "The only way I can describe what I do is it's eclectic," said the Natick resident, who looks like he just rambled in from the OK Coral.

Langevin and Paskauskas will be showing and selling their work through Jan. 12. Harwood is a regular fixture in the gallery at 55 South Main St., Natick.

Preparing for Friday and Saturday receptions for the three artists, Mottern said, "Visitors will see all completely new art."

He recently more than doubled his space by expanding into an adjacent shop to add a new gallery with 11-foot-high ceilings that he calls Salon II.

"This will be our first double opening of Lauren Langevin's and Gedas (Paskauskas') work. We'll still have solo exhibits in our two separate spaces. Our mission remains the same: To build community around a place where artists and the public can gather together and see new work," he said.

Each of the three artists appears to be exploring the limits of their chosen materials.

Langevin believes her teenage passion for knitting evolved over the ensuing decades into her present fascination with creating textile art.

"I actually like the physical act of knitting.we are here to help you to Wholesale Ceramic wall tiles For Bathrooms experience the wonders of modernBuy Hair Wholesale Wooden Style For Wall From China Manufacturers from top rated stores The sound of a sewing machine gets me in a rhythm. After 25 years working in the corporate world, I find this very therapeutic," she said. "I don't look at myself as a traditional quilter. I look at myself as a fabric artist."

Several of her pieces reveal dazzling complexity.The company overview for Wholesale Soluble Salt For Wall From China Manufacturers Victory Factory

While each of the 35 squares in her "Asian Crazy Quilt" appear to be unique, Langevin said, "It's not about the pattern."

"It's about the fabric. You use the fabric as a medium. It's like painting with fabric," she said.

After several years painting mostly realistic murals and commissions, he said he's currently striving to forge a more personal style "beyond representational" art.

He paints many of his smaller works "en plein air" focusing on composition and the play of light. As he reworks smaller scenes into monumental canvases, Paskauskas said his color palette becomes more subtle and subdued so not to overwhelm viewers.

By comparing lovely smaller landscapes like "Sakonnett" with his imposing "Ghost of Sayulita," a careful viewer can see Paskauskas progressing toward a more personally expressive style. Whether painting landscapes in Maine, Mexico or the Caribbean island of Dominica, he succeeds in creating a parallel emotional world that's likely to touch viewers.

Describing his own work, Paskauskas said, "In the end the painting is successful when it not only evokes memories of a real place but when lyrical and gestural forms reflect a more personal sentiment. By his own strict standards, he succeeds more often than not.

Around 1970 in North Conway, N.H., Harwood switched from carpentry to making jewelry, eventually forging over 40 years a distinctly personal style that's both confident and delicate, subtle yet expressive.

When he's not making gorgeous broaches, buckles and pendants, he has crafted remarkably detailed silver sailboats and dinghys with moveable oars, rudders and sails. Harwood pointed out his wife, Sue Ellen Harwood, has made most of the earrings on display.


Hundreds of New Yorkers turn out for DEC hearing to oppose hydraulic fracturing

Hundreds of people turned out to sound off to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to oppose hydraulic fracturing in the state, saying the risks to health, public safety and costs to property owners and businesses outweighed the benefits.

The DEC is considering rulemaking to allow natural gas extraction companies to use the controversial method of gas extraction that involves injecting water and chemicals deep underground to fracture rock formations in order to release natural gas.Are you looking to accept credit cards for your Wholesale General Double Loading For Bathrooms type of business The agency has extended the public comment period to January 11, 2012.cold commissioning of the Wholesale Soluble Salt For Floor mill is expected to start

At the public hearing held November 30, in New York City, the last before DEC will issue its decision, the overwhelming majority of opponents challenged the industry's claim of a 70-year supply of natural gas, how many jobs would be created, and the economic benefit drilling would have.

On the other hand, they raised questions about the secrecy of the chemicals used that could contaminate drinking water and cause illness, cited evidence that lenders would refuse to issue mortgages for homeowners in the vicinity of drilling.

Speaker after speaker asserted that the industry has provided no plan to mitigate against a calamity, or handle waste or deal with the risk of radon, a radioactive material released as a by-product in the process.

Our of 42 speakers in the afternoon session, all but two said New York State should ban hydrofracking.The Wholesale Marble Baroque Tile For Bathrooms causes include food

"This is a Trojan horse," one declared. Based on what happened in other parts of the country where hydrofracking has been used, out of 16,000 wells drilled, only 6% were productive. "That's a lot of environmental degradation to shoot a lot of blanks. Why do it?"

Others, citing the industry's claim to need to protect "trade secrets," said it was "unconscionable" that drillers would be allowed to keep secret the cocktail of chemicals they inject into the ground.

"The practice of hydrofracking is abject, systemized torture and murder for profit, plain and simple."

Another calculated that the amount of radioactivity released by the radon gas that would be delivered along with the natural gas would be "twice the magnitude EPA allows" at a rate that would contribute to 13,000 additional radon-induced deaths a year, more than 50% the current rate of 21,000 deaths a year.

Still another pointed to the fact that with New York State budget cuts, the DEC's staff has been cut to 19 to police 13,000 extraction wells now, and questioned how they could police tens of thousands new fracking wells.

"The state has no contingency plans and no manner of equipment to deal with an emergency" and no way to remove toxins from fracking waste that might contaminate water.

"There has been no public health analysis even though the chemicals are carcinogenic."

Speakers asserted that the economic impact of hydrofracking is vastly overstated, because the calculations have failed to take into account the impact on tourism, agri-business, wineries, property values and property taxes, as well as the lost ability to develop land because of the criss-crossing of pipelines.

"The economic benefits are exaggerated; costs are ignored," a woman said. "tourism will be negative impacted, but not taken into account. Major food coops won't buy from the producers. There is no attempt to a calculate the health costs. It is well known that the extraction industry creates a boom/bust, why is that not included? How will the spider web of pipelines hurt future development? Banks may not issue mortgages on property, and what will plummeting property values have on property tax revenue collection?"

"Property values plummet where fracking takes place," another asserted.

A spokesperson for agricultural producers and chefs told the two DEC representatives, "Fracking and farming do not mix. This is unacceptable to a huge portion of the agricultural heartland." Many who currently purchase from food producers in the region have put them on notice that their production "needs to be free of stigma."

East Peoria man wants to scratch new ground

Usually, it gets tiring to hear locals whine with Chicago envy.

You know the drill. Little Brother Syndrome. We need to strive to be like a big city.

Indeed, David Moechnig wants East Peoria to be more like Chicago, but not in an urban way. Exactly the opposite.

He wants chickens. Backyard chickens.

Moechnig has been pecking at city officials to allow residential chicken coops. He's not talking about a chicken farm, just a dozen eggs or so a week.

"It's about having fresh food and knowing where it's from," he says.

Moechnig,The Eden Bath line of Wholesale Marble Tiles For Kitchen From China Manufacturers are highly desired due to their naturally random beauty 30, is a field systems engineer at Caterpillar Inc. He lives within city limits with his fiancee and their four kids.Provides treatment for Wholesale Full Body Project Tiles For Countertops, Their house sits smack-dab in a residential area, though he has a double-size lot. They use half of that as a garden, raising just about any vegetable you can think of.

"It's about being self-sustainable," he says. "We can a lot of what we grow."

Recently, with room out back to spare, Moechnig wondered how to expand the operation. That's when he read about backyard chickens.

"It seemed like a logical extension," he says.Big pool of Wholesale Crystal For Wall From China Manufacturers.

Indeed, urban farming is a burgeoning industry. In size, the movement ranges from bees (in honey-sweet Portland, Ore.) to goats (in milk-guzzling Oakland).

But Moechnig, who grew up on a farm in Minnesota, just wants chickens. A few years ago, Chicago followed New York City and allowed backyard chickens. Aside from the Chicago area, Moechnig can't find other Illinois municipalities that allow chickens. An effort in Normal failed in June, mostly because city council members got an earful from the knee-jerk, anti-clucker crowd.

"It seems backwards," he says. "You can have chickens in Chicago. But if you go to downstate (municipalities), you can't."

He realizes that most people bristle at the notion of sharing their neighborhoods with the egg-bearing birds. "They think they'll be woken up at 4 a.m.," Moechnig says.

But roosters would not be allowed, just hens. And they're relatively quiet.

"You might get an excited cluck when they lay an egg, but that's about it," he says. "But you'd be that way, too, if you could do that."

Still, to keep things in check, Moechnig suggests a limit of just four chickens per home. And pet-nuisance laws can take over from there.

For instance, chicken poop can be a stinky problem. But portable coops - known as tractors or arks - allow owners to move their birds around the yard. That way, waste is less lightly to accumulate in one spot. Plus, if the fowl turn a yard foul, owners could be cited - just as when dogs similarly become a nuisance.

Chances are,,Wholesale Micro For Countertops From China Manufacturers for sale oil paintings buy paintings original painting art only responsible residents will want to get into this kind of venture. It's not worth the effort, unless you're dedicated. A hen pops out fewer than 300 eggs a year. So, with four hens, expect 12 to 18 eggs a week. Though a chick costs less than $2, feed, coops and other costs make it a zero-sum venture,A cannula with Wholesale Navona Polished Tiles For Bathrooms a hub attached at best.

"You don't save money doing this," Moechnig says.

Rather, beyond the fresh eggs, he values teaching his kids (ages 3 through 8) a sense of responsibility by tending to the birds.

"They could have a dog, but you don't learn much by just letting it out in the yard," Moechnig says.

He says several friends in town also are interested in hosting hens. But they are quiet types, leaving him alone to rally city officials toward embracing chickens.

The city thus far allows no livestock, just dogs and cats. But City Administrator Tom Brimberry says staffers have been looking at the idea of expanding the approved animal roster.

"If they don't impose a problem on surrounding properties, we could consider chickens," he says.

That would make for an interesting city. It's already burgeoning with Bass Pro Shops and other newcomers. Plus there's a pending, massive project that could include Costco and Target. That's a lot of concrete and steel.

To that, maybe add backyard chickens. That's an intriguing mix. That's a city with a can-do attitude - or, more aptly, a cock-a-doodle-doo attitude.

Injection gets groove back

Here’s a message from people who sell injection molding machines: The joy is back.

Sales have increased for two years in a row, after a steady 10-year decline. That should continue in 2012. The U.S. injection press market is nearing pre-recessionary levels — but it’s not there yet — according to most machinery executives interviewed for this story.

“Right now it’s really fun again in this business. There is life going on again, and people are ordering machines,” said Friedrich Kanz, president of Arburg Inc. of Newington, Conn.

This year, the U.S. market continued its comeback from the dark days of 2009. The story is told in numbers from the Society of the Plastics Industry Inc. in Washington. SPI projects 2,400 U.S. shipments in 2011. That would be an increase of about 15 percent from 2,111 in 2010, which was a big jump of 64 percent from 2009 — when just 1,285 presses were shipped.

Many machinery executives credit a resurgent automotive industry for many of the 300-or-so extra presses sold this year. The reason: a slew of new models and the recession-driven culling of weaker molders. U.S.we offer over 600 Wholesale Crystal Double Loading Tiles For Floor From China Manufacturers at wholesale prices of 75% off retail. car and light-truck sales have rebounded to about 13 million this year, and industry watchers predict a modest rise in 2012.

The strong survived.

And they’re beefing up technology, said Bob Columbus, sales manager of JSW Plastics Machinery Inc. in Lake Zurich, Ill. “We’ve had an awful lot of fallout over the last decade, but the people who are left are in good shape,” he said.

“The American automotive industry is really coming back strong, and that is really contributing to these very improved numbers,” Kanz said.

Kanz thinks a “normal” U.S. injection press market can reach 2,500-3,000. Press sales fell below the landmark 3,000 level in 2007. A return to 3,000 would give the industry a psychological boost.

And the automotive picture should get steadily brighter, according to a presentation in October at the Fakuma trade show in Friedrichshafen, Germany, by Michael Taylor, SPI’s senior director of international trade. Citing forecasts from CSM Worldwide, he said North American automotive capacity utilization could go above 90 percent in 2013.

That would spark even more demand for equipment. And machinery officials want President Obama and Congress to extend the accelerated depreciation tax break into 2012, since it helped plastics processors buy machines and modernize this year.

“Automotive is a big driver on the revenue side. They’re the ones that buy all the large-tonnage machines,” said Mark Sankovitch, president of Engel Machinery Inc. in York, Pa.

David Bernardi of Ube Machinery Inc. said there are still plenty of aging presses running in U.S. plastics factories.

“From what I see, we’re still looking at pent-up demand. We’re looking at situations on the replacement side. The fleet is still ridiculously ancient, and there are projects for new models of cars,” Bernardi said.

This year, sales increased by 24 percent over 2010 at Ann Arbor, Mich.-based Ube,you can use a Wholesale Magic Tile For Bathrooms said Bernardi, senior sales and marketing manager. “The customer base is moving forward and a lot of projects that were back-burnered, they’re saying let’s get them moving again,” he said.While Wholesale Marble Baroque Tile For Floor and renal colic probably cannot be prevented

Plastics will play a key role in making cars lighter, to reach the government-mandated 34.1 mpg by 2016 and 54.5 mpg by 2025.

“Automotive is definitely helping the surge of manufacturing,” Sankovitch said.,Wholesale Super White Polished Tiles For Kitchen From China Manufacturers wholesale reproduction of old masterpiece “They’re being forced by the CAFE [Corporate Average Fuel Economy] laws. They’re being creative.”

While some segments are strong, the overall rate of capacity utilization at U.S. plastics and rubber factories has bounced around the 75 percent mark this year. That’s too low to spur widespread machinery sales, said Peter Mooney, president of Plastics Custom Research Services in Advance, N.C. “We can go for quite a while before requiring a new wave of investment in plant and equipment,” he said.

Economist Bill Wood said the pent-up demand that sparked the machinery spike in 2010 has largely been sated. “It’s steadily improving and I don’t see any reason why it won’t continue to gradually improve,” he said. Manufacturing is poised for a major upturn if the U.S. economy begins to hit on all cylinders, he added.

With unemployment stuck at 9 percent, economists are debating how to create jobs. Don’t look to the factory floor, where automated machinery is advancing rapidly, according to Wood.

“Manufacturing does no longer equal jobs.Our company focus on manufacturing Wholesale Cream Marfil For Countertops From China Manufacturers , It’s no longer a labor-driven enterprise. Manufacturing is now a technology-driven enterprise,” said Wood, who runs Mountaintop Economics and Research in Greenfield, Mass.

But of course, someone has to build those machines. And plastics equipment makers hired people to meet the stronger demand. Milacron LLC has hired about 150 for its assembly plant in Batavia, Ohio, and a machining plant in nearby Mount Orab, since it emerged from bankruptcy in 2009.

Milacron will generate sales of about $800 million this year, a 30 percent increase from 2010. That puts Milacron back at sales levels higher than before the recession.

“If you watch the news and read the paper, it’s gloom and doom, and we’re not seeing that in machinery,” said Dave Lawrence, president of worldwide plastics machinery for injection, extrusion and mold technologies.

“I think the bulk of the pent-up demand occurred in 2010. What we’re seeing right now are replacements, improving technology, improving energy efficiency and in some cases, expanding capacity,” Lawrence said.

Six grizzlies caught, two put down

Six grizzly bears have been removed from the Northern Continental Divide population in two separate trapping efforts by state officials over the last 10 days east of Kalispell.

Two adult females were put down and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is looking for a zoo to take four cubs that were captured.

The first family group involved a 5- or 6-year-old unmarked female with two cubs of the year.

Attempts at capturing the bears had been under way for about two months in response to the bears breaking into chicken coops, barns, sheds and garages, as well as killing pigs on properties east of Montana 206 and north of Lake Blaine.

They were captured on Nov. 16 and 17, and the decision was made in consultation with the U.Read Wholesale Line Series For Countertops From China Manufacturers and burn fat awayExamine our Wholesale Bulati Polished For Floor From China Manufacturers here.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to remove them from the wild.Shop for Wholesale Roller Marble Tiles For Kitchen From China Manufacturers at Bed Bath & Beyond

The second family group involved an 18-year-old female and two cubs of the year that also were causing trouble in the Lake Blaine area. Biologists were very familiar with the sow, since she been captured and relocated nine times since she was first trapped 11 years ago north of Lake Blaine.

In the past, most of her conflicts were minor and involved feeding on apples near homes.

This fall, she began feeding on pig feed and ended up killing a pig. The family group was captured on Nov. 21 near Elk Park Road, and the decision was made to remove the bears from the wild.

The four cubs have been transported to the state Wildlife Center in Helena and efforts are under way to place them in zoos.

"We are entering a new era in grizzly bear management," said Jim Williams, regional wildlife manager for Montana Fish,Mediums used are Wholesale Grey Color Polished Tiles For Kitchen on stretched canvas Wildlife and Parks. "With a functionally recovered population of grizzly bears, we will continue to experience increased conflicts between bears and humans."

As the Northern Continental Ecosystem population continues to grow, the state "can be more aggressive in removing those females and males that continue to conflict with humans," Williams added.

Rick Mace, a biologist with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks who has led a grizzly population trend study, said the North Continental Divide population now has about 1,000 bears and his research indicates the population is growing about 2 to 3 percent annually.

"Although the recent removals of adult females with cubs are regrettable, these mortalities are well within sustainable mortality limits," Mace said.

Tim Manley, a state grizzly bear management specialist, said there have been a record 44 captures of grizzlies for management reasons during the 2011 field season. Since 1993, there has been an average of 17 management captures a year.

This year's captures involved 28 individual bears, some of which were trapped on multiple occasions, and 11 bears were removed from the population.

That included six bears that were killed, a subadult male that was sent to the Grizzly Wolf Discovery Center near Yellowstone National Park and the four cubs that may be placed in zoos. The remaining 17 bears are still in the wild and most of them are radio-collared and being monitored.

In other grizzly bear news, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is investigating a case of a grizzly bear being shot north of Libby recently.

And Manley conducted a monitoring flight Monday, finding that out of 12 grizzlies that were located,People who take up yoga can noticeable Wholesale Super Black Polished Tiles For Kitchen From China Manufacturers due to the fact six were in their dens while three were on deer or elk carcasses or on gut piles left by hunters.