The NSW Health Minister, Jillian Skinner, wants to make cuts to a
system that is already so stressed that patients spend up to a week in a
''transit'' unit (''Skinner takes axe to locums, overtime, but nurses
exempt'', September 24). Hospitals are already under enormous amounts of
pressure to reach performance targets or face funding cuts with no
appreciable improvements in patient care at the coal face.
cuts to overtime payments will only further stress the system and those
charged with the care of patients. Patients will still be there and
still need care out of normal business hours. Local area health services
will have to refuse to pay those who stay behind to ensure the welfare
of their patients.
The system already leans heavily on the
''generosity'' of doctors, in particular junior doctors and medical
registrars, who are caught in the position of not wanting to jeopardise
future specialist training opportunities and even told that claiming
unrostered overtime is unprofessional.
Cuts to the health system
at a time when it is facing ever-increasing need will only compromise
patient health and demoralise professional staff.
Skinner says she is protecting nurses' jobs but cutting overtime. There
is already a lot of overtime that is not paid. It is supposed to be
taken as time in lieu but the time off never eventuates. This overtime
is being worked due to short staffing. Cutting overtime is not going to
fix any problems, just make them worse.
NSW Health is offering
nurses redundancies in the Hunter-New England area. I know experienced
nurses who hope they will offer redundancies elsewhere as they want to
get out.
Health system managers are bringing in assistants in
nursing in community mental health now. These are staff with, maybe, a
Certificate III from TAFE, working on crisis teams with people who may
need admission to mental health hospitals. This is just plain dangerous.
These inexperienced staff will not know what they are looking at and
someone is going to get killed.
But the Costello report failed to consider whether a decade-old benchmark was appropriate.The M3 Parking assist system
has been designed from the ground up to solve traditional car park
problems and more. It didn't provide a detailed analysis of where growth
had occurred, or consider the impact of particular policies (such as
Queensland's introduction of an additional year of schooling to bring
the state in line with the rest of Australia).Different Sizes and Colors
can be made with different stone mosaic
designs. And while citing one example of headcounts in health it
ignored factors affecting demand for health services, such as an ageing
The Newman government's acceptance of the Costello
report's simplistic analysis may damage the lives of many Queensland
families. The inevitable outsourcing of public services may benefit some
of the Business Council's constituents.
But it's a bit rich for
Westacott to pontificate about the need for higher standards in the
public service when she repeats political slogans about smaller
government, uncritically accepts the need for ''tough corrections'' in
Queensland, and disregards basic facts.