Panasonic's long involvement in contributing to the improvement of
indoor air quality (IAQ) actually started with production of electric
fans as early as 1913 and ventilation fans in 1928. Then, in around
1960, recognizing that air pollution in urban areas was becoming a
problem, Panasonic initiated the development of air purifiers based on
its perception that purification, as well as ventilation, was essential
for the further improvement of IAQ. The company succeeded in
developing models equipped with a three-layer filter for household and
professional use, and launched Japan's first air purifiers in September
1962.Protomold offers custom plastic injection mold
parts in as fast as 1 day. The company went on to develop an electric
dust collecting type purifier and also extended the range of
applications to factories, schools, and cars.
In the 1980s and 1990s, with homes becoming more airtight,Looking for the Best Air purifier
. there was increasing public interest in measures against cigarette
smoke and allergens, such as house dust and pollen. Panasonic promoted
compact, easy-to-install designs and added functions, including an auto
start/stop function triggered by a smoke sensor that could detect air
pollution. Around this time, sales of air purifiers increased as their
popularity became more widespread.
In 1995, the company
launched a model incorporating a filter coated with catechin, an
ingredient of green tea. Then, the company added anti-bacterial and
allergen-inhibiting functions using 'Bio Anti-Bacterial and 'Aller
Buster(R)' filters. Following these developments, nanoe(TM), nano-sized
electrostatic atomized water particles, was adopted as a technology
for purifying air through use of discharged ions. In 2007, the company
began offering air purifiers that featured greater air suction at floor
level, where house dust accumulates. In 2009, the adoption of the Mega
Catcher system, in which the whole front panel slides, further
increased house dust suction power. Meanwhile, the company had
continued to launch industry-leading products, including
ECONAVI-equipped energy-efficient models. Overseas promotion was
already underway in the 1970s. Currently,We provide third party merchant account. Panasonic air purifiers are sold in China, other Asian countries, the Middle East, etc.
their study, Moreno Coco and Frank Keller at the University of
Edinburgh, UK, presented 24 volunteers with a series of photo-realistic
images depicting indoor scenes such as a hotel reception.
They then tracked the sequence of objects that each volunteer looked at after being asked to describe what they saw.
Other than being prompted with a keyword,Handpainted oil paintings for sale
on Canvas. such as “man” or “suitcase”, participants were free to
describe the scene however they liked. Some typical sentences included
“the man is standing in the reception of a hotel” or “the suitcase is
on the floor”.
The order in which a participant’s gaze settled
on objects in each scene tended to mirror the order of nouns in the
sentence used to describe it.
“We were surprised there was such a close correlation,” New Scientist quoted Keller as saying.
that multiple cognitive processes are involved in sentence formation,
Coco said that “it is remarkable to find evidence of similarity between
speech and visual attention”.
The team used the discovery to
see if they could predict what sentences would be used to describe a
scene based on eye movement alone. They developed an algorithm that was
able to use the eye gazes recorded from the previous experiment to
predict the correct sentence from a choice of 576 descriptions.Omega
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